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From the Illinois Raptor Center Their main website looks like it’s stuck in the 90s, but they have a very active and high quality Facebook page!

The look to have the largest flight enclosure in the country. It looks like you can arrange a visit to see the birds, but I don’t see any current status update on how exactly they are doing that. They look to be very busy doing great work though.

From their Facebook:

Link is worth clicking through, there are more photos and more info with all the photos as well.

Requiring feeding every few hours around the clock, baby owls like this one are a huge undertaking to raise up. Plus we have to make sure they don’t imprint on humans, which would make it illegal and unethical to release them as they’d never fully adapt to the wild, pair up to have babies with other owls, and could even become hazardous to humans if they decide humans are competing for their space. This means not speaking around the babies before orafter their eyes open and keeping yourself from view as much as possible, often using special covers and puppets, though in the case of our little bit we were lucky that some others who were only a bit older came in so they’d have each other to see as well

  • anon6789OP
    21 year ago

    Poor little owl, the meme owl is getting twice the likes you are. And after everyone but me forgot all about him when we were debating tufts vs no tufts! 😇