Image shows a grid of four columns and eight rows detailing the difference between four common types of file transfer: tftp, ftp, sftp, and scp; across eight data points: transfer protocol, standard port, speed overview, security overview, authentication support, encryption support, and connection orientation.

  • TFTP : UDP, port 69, Fast, Less Secure, No Authentication, No Encryption, and Connection-less
  • FTP: TCP, port 20, 21, Slow, Less Secure, Authentication, No Encryption, and Connection-oriented
  • SFTP: TCP, Port 22, Slow, Secure, Authentication, Encryption, and Connection-oriented
  • SCP: TCP, Port 22, Fast, Secure, Authentication, Encryption, and Connection-oriented

Src: Twitter via LinkedIn.

  • @mlg
    710 months ago

    Lol i’m pretty sure SFTP, SCP, and rsync are pretty much all the same when it comes to speed. I’ve used all three very frequently, and by both bitrate and total time, only rsync or scp very rarely edges out for single small files.

    • HubertManne
      210 months ago

      thanks. its been awhile since I was using them a lot but even years ago it seemed pretty much all the same.