Source with more photos: Eupholus weevil - Scott Frazier | Project Noah

Eupholus weevil
Eupholus schoenherri/E. magnificus–complex
Spotted by Scott Frazier
Papua, Indonesia
Spotted on Dec 3, 2011



Spectacularly coloured weevil of the genus Eupholus which includes some of the most colourful weevils. Species identification based on personal communication with an expert I contacted. The colour may serve as a warning (aposematic coloration) to predators that they are distasteful (as they may feed on leaves which contain chemicals which are toxic to other animals). Eupholus species occur in New Guinea and adjacent islands. ( orders/Coleoptera/Curculionoidea/Curculionidae/Curculionidae Thumbnail gallery.htm)


Found on a survey transect located atop a fossil beach strand in equatorial lowland rainforest.


Location pin is general. A total of three individuals of this species were observed in the immediate area (see fuzzy last photo to view the host plant --Selaginella sp.-- of the other two specimens). Interesting links on beetle colouration, including mentions of Eupholus sp., can be found here and here Here is another link of the same or similar species from PNG

  • @moogs
    31 year ago

    Look at the boots and snoot on that li’l fella