The real beef.

  • TheRealKuni
    32 years ago

    these are all ‘aspects’ of a single being, to reference St.Patrick its like how a shamrock has 3 leaves but they make up one plant

    “I’m gonna stop ya right there, Patrick. Yeah, hold yer horses, Patrick. You’re about to confess ‘partialism.’”


    “Yes partialism, a heresy which asserts that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not distinct persons of the Godhead but are different parts of God, each composing one third of the divine.”

    “And who confesses the heresy of partialism?”

    “The first season of the cartoon program Voltron where five robot lion cars merge together to form one giant robot samurai, obviously.

    From this funny video about the theology of the Trinity.

      • TheRealKuni
        22 years ago

        It was a fine explanation, lol, it’s just that the theology here doesn’t really make much sense outside the world of Christian theology. Any attempt to simplify it for explanation runs into one “heresy” or another.