Almost everything based in technology spies on everyone now a days and most people are alright with it. I don’t understand why people are okay knowing this spying exists. Louis Rossman does a great job here showing us the disgusting tactics used by big corporations to gaslight people into believing them over what these companies are really nefariously up to.

  • @Mcdolan
    810 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • R0cket_M00se
      010 months ago

      This argument is coming from the same mindset that if you have nothing to hide you don’t need all that privacy.

      It’s really not. The military is a special case here as they do, in fact, having something to hide. The knowledge of their activities is kind of important for not being ambushed by our foes.

      This might surprise you but most modern Military hardware is far more capable of delivering destruction than withstanding it. Whoever strikes first usually wins unless met with an overwhelming counter response. You give that away and the opportunists will do what they will do.

      I’m not blind, the military industrial complex as a whole needs torn to a fraction of its current stature, but “let’s just let everyone know everything and where and the cost…” is just one more populist standpoint that will end in horrible failure.

      “War is a racket” will give you a better idea on how to combat the growth of the military industrial complex.

      As for the CIA/NSA/FBI, yeah they should be absolutely transparent no doubt about it.

      • @SocialMediaRefugee
        10 months ago

        You want the FBI to be transparent when they frequently have to investigate criminals on the lowdown to get them to expose themselves?

        • R0cket_M00se
          010 months ago

          Unless it’s part of an active investigation, sure. The moment they’re in cuffs it needs to come out.

          Otherwise what else is the FBI doing? Probably tapping your phone or selling crack to people they want to see in legalized slavery.