• @ShittyRedditWasBetter
    1 year ago

    Cucked 🤣👌👍. Definitely a guy who understands software licencing and has some professional understanding of dll redistribution and software licencing.

    • stevedidWHAT
      1 year ago

      What does my usage of the term “cucked” have to do with understanding that modder did minimal work using someone else’s paid product and a free to use nvidia component and tried to monetize off of it.

      Good job dodging the fucking argument and going for a personal attack against my abilities.

      I don’t need to insult you, you do it all by yourself and everyone else can see.

        • stevedidWHAT
          01 year ago


          I’m dead I literally cannot

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            Link? This post is literally talking about one that’s pirated from PureDark, and I do mean dlss+fg, not just dlss since that was apparently very easy to implement with how Beth implemented FSR, which Puredark did release day1 for free on nexusmods.

            • stevedidWHAT
              01 year ago

              Nexus mods is filled with mods that add newer versions of sampling techniques or any other number of general graphical improvement mods. It’s not that crazy or uncommon to do so for free.

              The modding community is about fucking with shit we bought and sharing those changes. Period. Trying to gatekeep that behind a paywall is out of the norm and probably illegal. I can’t see how companies like rockstar would allow people to make money off their games because it’s their fucking product.

              This is just capitalism trying to shit where we eat, yet again. We’re not paying for your game modifications.

              • @[email protected]
                31 year ago

                Dude is just trying to make a living, he’s not some megacorp, what is wrong with you? Didn’t find another dlss+fg mod that wasn’t the pirated one mentioned here?


                On the point about capitalism, yeah I mean if we had socialism and people didn’t have to worry about putting food on the table, I’d bet there’s be a lot more free passion projects released, sadly that’s not the world we live in, and I’m fine with throwing him $5 bucks a month, he’s made many dlss+fg mods for various games.

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    Cool, seems like it’s less stable then puredarks, but I’m glad people have options

                    What point was I dodging?

                    Do you think devs don’t put in any work for mods or something? I guess I don’t understand your point, I love that so many modders are able to release things for free and maybe end up with a job at a game dev company or end up releasing their own games like with enderal.

                    At the same time I can’t really fault people for trying to make money to keep themselves afloat so they can dedicate more time to making mods, learning new techniques, etc…

                    It’s really not as simple as you seem to think to port dlss+fg as you seem to think, and they’re not just copy pasting code from some free public info, it’s simply more complex then that, if you really can’t understand that you probably aren’t very informed on how development and coding work.

                    I personally don’t have the brain/attention span to code, I’ve tried multiple times but I just can’t do it, but through those attempts I understand how in depth and difficult it can be and it is most certainly real work.