The biggest Internet service providers will dominate a $42.45 billion broadband grant program unless the Biden administration changes a rule requiring grant recipients to obtain a letter of credit from a bank, according to a joint statement from consumer advocacy groups, local government officials, and advocates for small ISPs.

The letter sent today to US government officials argues that “by establishing capital barriers too steep for all but the best-funded ISPs, the LOC [letter-of-credit requirement] shuts out the vast majority of entities the program claims to prioritize: small and community-centered ISPs, minority and women-owned ISPs, nonprofits, and municipalities.”

The rule is part of the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program that’s being administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

    • @Burn_The_Right
      231 year ago

      Neo-liberals are conservatives. They are smarter and have more tact, but they are conservatives.

      If we want progress, we need progressives.

      • @DarthBueller
        31 year ago

        If progressives can come up with messaging that wins elections, great. So far the messaging appeals to a fraction of the voting public, and has zero working strategy for how to effectively deal with the right coopting, twisting and ridiculing the progressive agenda. Inequality is growing faster than ever for people of all skin colors, and yet progressives have essentially stopped giving a fuck about labor and switched over to race. I’m not saying that racism isn’t a problem in this country, I’m saying that the research shows that you get a SHIT TON more support if you don’t tie the messaging of a social policy to a particular race. I’m worried that in the (perhaps distant) future, progressives challenging racism, examining race as a social construct, etc. will have the perverse effect of reifying and reinforcing race and othering.

        • TinyPizza
          51 year ago

          I sure did hear a lot of neo-lib politicians in my area saying that same thing when there was a push for Medicare For All. “It’s confusing and nobody knows what it means” is what some centrist dem congress people kept saying where I’m from. A few years on, now that the steam has been tapped and those same politicians are putting “healthcare for all” in their literature. The co-option against progressive policy is coming from inside the party and old railway Joe (not a progressive) outlawed a strike for… the railway workers.

          Also, not seeing this abandoning of labor to focus on race you speak of. People flooding the streets over police murdering POC isn’t a political maneuver. Could you lay out where your seeing this focus on race and not labor from progressives?

          • @DarthBueller
            21 year ago

            I’m not talking about Biden, I’m talking about progressives. I am not talking about people protesting racist corrupt murderous pigs. Literally every progressive I know is using race as the primary critical lens they use for seeing the world. Folks give lip-service to instersectionality, but for the life of me, the discourse is being defined by the right. The right acts racist and persecutes LGBTQI+ folks, so those issues end up taking up all of the air in the room to the expense of everything else. A couple of years ago, I was at a social justice exchange in a poor white area, and the subject was food deserts in the area. I got shut down because I was steadfast in asserting that the reason that there were food deserts in the area had next to nothing to do with race, and everything to do with economic inequality and rural underinvestment.

            • TinyPizza
              31 year ago

              Oh, I guess I’m just not hearing those same things where I’m at. Are these progressives POC?

              • @DarthBueller
                11 year ago

                I’m in the mid-South. The two leaders were, most everyone else was white. But honestly, it wouldn’t have made a difference. When you’ve got white supremacist groups arguing for socialism (for white people), and progressives arguing for preferential treatment for POC to the extreme that it comes off as punitive to a majority of non-POC folks, sure seems like a centrist position is social protections and support for poor people, regardless of race.

                • TinyPizza
                  21 year ago

                  TLDR; if we don’t work toward solutions to racial justice before socioeconomic justice, the power and capital likely won’t exist to follow through with the former

                  So, I can’t say for sure but what I think you’ve ran into is something that I heard best explained by a podcast once (I think it was one of Robert Evans). My guess is that what you encountered was organizers trying to take account for the systematic imbalance of power that is inherent within the US. Often times it goes unseen by many of us that can’t see it because it doesn’t effect us in the same way. We can see those problems of poverty and lack of support but then what about the added struggle of race, gender, disability? Those things added on top create deeper and different issues that we can’t account for, because we can’t know them. It’s the argument that to rid society of these myriad issues we must take the privilege we have and can’t see and use it to back POC to fight the problems that they see.

                  I think I know where you’re coming from now, and though I’ve been in spaces where that happened, I’ve never seen issue in it because I believe in the premise. I’ve known multiple persons who did run into situations and feel like their views or voice were being marginalized from it though. I wasn’t there for their experience but I mostly think it was a misunderstanding on their part though and they couldn’t move past their ideas being of less importance/priority. I think this can play out in ways that can be counterproductive from time to time, but also that set backs that come from it are eventually learned from and worthwhile.

                  It’s hard knowing how you want to organize and feeling like the roadmap is right in front if we could just come together and focus a part of the problem. There’s a risk that we still leave others behind though if we don’t address their issues before our own. People and movements lose interest once their needs and goals are met and if we want to pull off the big move forward we have to do it all together.

                  Am I closer to talking about what you were now?

                  • @DarthBueller
                    11 year ago

                    The mental convolutions required to turn a rural food desert issue into a racial justice issue are extreme—it is this kind of thing that absolutely alienates good people who aren’t willing to say there are five lights when there are clearly only four. Its fucking purity politics and it’s vastly more harmful than helpful.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Everything you just said is bullshit. The reason progressives don’t do well is corporate media does not want them to.

          Stop watching msnbc fox cnn npr and many others and it becomes completely obvious.

          • @DarthBueller
            11 year ago

            I watch precisely zero of my news. I read. More importantly, I am in the orbit of grassroots organizers and social justice folks, and at least in my location, they are great at talking to each other but not so great at connecting their messaging with average people.

    • HubertManne
      61 year ago

      That is total BS. Biden has more specifically than any president I have encountered so far and I was quite surprised with it. Besides the inflation reduction act there is the no surprises act is huge for me. The IRS implementing a tax return system which is directly opposed to a large corporate lobbying effort that has been going on for decades. Much like the no surprises came in quietly I noticed it and there has been some others I can’t recall atm but I like what biden has done in his first term.

      • @Serinus
        11 year ago

        I don’t know. That dude does know a lot about shills.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Biden was against giving rail workers 1 day per year of sick time.

        Get your head out of corporate media’s ass.

        • HubertManne
          21 year ago

          yeah if I voted based on a candidate having nothing. nothing at all that I disagreed with. well then I would not vote as no candidate could pass muster. And I will always vote even if the options are limited.

            • HubertManne
              11 year ago

              where exactly did I defend it? Its just not enough for me to have the next trump/bush/whatevercrazy do way worse.

          • @[email protected]
            -11 year ago

            I’m would be happy with one policy decision I actually agree with. Biden hasn’t done even this.

            You are highly misinformed and brainwashed by your media. I know it’s difficult to see but it’s true.

            • HubertManne
              11 year ago

              Dude. I have had an anesthia bill this last year that I could point to the law that it has to go through insurnace. I have my own and its a reality that actually effected my life. Throwing out misinformed and brainwashed and media as buzz words does not change reality.