It’s official: Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert ® is scared. Recent polling has shown Democratic frontrunner Adam Frisch in the lead in Boebert’s district, and now the anti-LGBTQ+ Congresswoman is pleading with voters for help.

According to the Aspen Daily News, Boebert’s campaign sent three successive emails at the end of August that acknowledged the possibility of Boebert’s defeat.

The emails were reacting to the results of a Keating Research poll that showed Frish beating Boebert in the 2024 election to represent Colorado’s Third Congressional District.

The poll showed that 50% of likely voters in the district say they will vote for Frisch, who almost beat Boebert in 2022 in the purple district, and only 48% say they’re voting for Boebert. Frisch holds a bigger advantage – 17 points – when it comes to unaffiliated voters, the group that the Frisch campaign has said it’s trying to appeal to in this election cycle. He also has a 32-point advantage with Latin voters.

A majority – 53% – of likely voters in the survey had an unfavorable view of Boebert, and only 42% had a favorable view of her. 34% had a favorable view of Frisch, while 26% viewed him unfavorably.

  • Nougat
    732 years ago

    Jesus Fucking Christ on a goddamned pogo stick, how can anyone have a favorable view of Boebert?

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      They. don’t. care. There’s a (R) next to her name, she hates “woke” people (wink wink) and abortion, she loves Trump and gun proliferation. That’s literally all that matters.

        • @candybrie
          52 years ago

          That’s pretty normal with how our electoral system is set up. I know a lot of people who have an unfavorable view of Biden, but they’ll certainly vote for him in the general.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      302 years ago

      There’s an ® next to her name, she’s very attractive, and boy does she love her gunz.

      That’s enough for 95% of Republicans.

        • @Nightwingdragon
          122 years ago

          Nah. Butterattitude.

          Granted, she’s got the pointy chin and a look on her face like she hasn’t had a good stiff dick in years. But overall I doubt very many people would complain about waking up in the morning next to someone that otherwise looks exactly like her. She’s not a bad looking woman by any stretch of the imagination.

          It’s just that all of that evaporates the minute she opens her mouth, because she physically cannot speak without coming off like a holier-than-thou, entitled cunt of a human being and instantly negating the benefits of being physically attractive.

      • @books
        102 years ago

        She’s got that weak chin game on lock.

        She’s a fucking train wreck.

      • @[email protected]
        82 years ago

        I mean, that’s the same reasoning I use to vote Democrat, but my definition of “evil” is based on demonstrable facts, instead of the facial expressions made in a “Tucker Reacts To Hypothetical Scenario” video.

    • @Octavio
      62 years ago

      I drive through her district once a year to get the best peaches in the world and it’s always so confounding to see all the “Boebert Country” signs and stickers. It really is weird. Far from being embarrassed, these people actually like her. If it weren’t for Pitkin County, she’d win in a walk.

    • @[email protected]
      52 years ago

      Well she does have that fancy schmancy R next to her name. I’m a simple man, some may confuse my level of brain activity with that of a dead man, but when I vote that’s usually all I pay attention to

      • @FontMasterFlex
        02 years ago

        If you truly do only vote via party line, you really do have the same brain activity as a dead man. That’s dumb as fuck.