Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell struck up a friendship during their nearly quarter-century in the Senate together. Now in their 80s, the Democratic president and the Senate GOP leader appear to be giving political cover to each other as they fend off questions about their advanced age and health issues.

Notably, McConnell, R-Ky., 81, hasn’t joined Donald Trump, 77, and other Republicans who have attacked Biden’s age, health and mental acuity as he seeks re-election.

And after McConnell’s second freeze-up last week, Biden was one of the first to call McConnell, telling reporters that his “friend” sounded like “his old self” and that such episodes are a “part of his recovery” from a fall and a concussion this year.

  • @SCB
    010 months ago

    Yeah I don’t think the people who say “prick a liberal and a fascist bleeds” have functioning brains. I basically view you the way I view people who eat horse paste and don’t trust vaccines.

    I’m glad you’re done responding tho, because of aforementioned opinion of you.

      • @SCB
        10 months ago

        Only when people make moo points.

        • Count Zero
          010 months ago

          That wasn’t a complaint. Or, I guess it was? You’re non-monogamous, you like Peter Watts. In every post, except the political, we have a lot in common. But, fuck, the politics are not just a small difference. It’s like when someone you dislike likes all the things you do. :/

          • @SCB
            010 months ago

            You can always just choose to be correct instead of not.

    • Count Zero
      010 months ago

      Don’t worry, I just read your insane foreign policy opinions in other threads. You’re insane. You want to start WW3.

      A top to bottom American Imperialist who justifies every foreign policy position America has ever taken, no matter how evil.

      Even the ones that committed those foreign policy blunders have publicly admitted were wrong. Obama publicly admitted he regretted the US’s role in the Libyan war.

      • @SCB
        10 months ago

        I thought you were done responding lol

        If you’re gonna hate-read my every post, at least post hog.

          • @SCB
            10 months ago

            It’s a thing your kind says to liberals. Ask about it on hexbear.

            It’s funny.