Today I posted a picture of a stamp with an animal in it and they said the picture contained nudity and made me take it down, but I reported a photo of a guy with a fully visible swastika tattoo and they said that’s fine.

I’d like to start a Lemmy community with photos of stuff that they refuse to remove called FacebookSaysItsFine.

      • @afraid_of_zombies
        58 months ago

        It isn’t the same, even if it pedantically has the same label. I have zero clue who you are or who you might be trying to be. You are two sentences at this moment to me.

        • @FontMasterFlex
          08 months ago

          There’s no “pedantically” about it. You said you quit all the “Social” media a few years back, yet, here you are, posting and participating in social media. Be as flippant as you want about it, you’re either and idiot or a liar. If we apply Hanlon’s Razor here, I think we’ll all come to the same conclusion.

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            18 months ago

            Where did I say I quit all the Social media a few years back? Please show me the exact comment.

            you’re either and idiot or a liar.

            Remember that you said this about me while you search thought my comment history for me saying that I quit social media a few years back.

            • @FontMasterFlex
              8 months ago

              I didn’t “Search” through anything. You literally said it in the comment thread we are in.

              Edit. My bad, I mistook you for someone else. I apologize.

                • @FontMasterFlex
                  8 months ago

                  if you don’t think things like reddit and lemmy are social media, you’re beyond the comprehension and intelligence to even attempt to explain to. so yea. i also apologized for making a mistake. something rarely seen in “forums” or social media. sooo fuck off?