These days, just asking the recruiter what company they are recruiting for is enough. I don’t fucking get it tbh… these recruiters will spend weeks hounding you about this crazy opportunity in LinkedIn and across three different emails and on Instagram and occasionally Snapchat, and then just ghost you the second you ask them the most obvious fucking question. “Where do you want me to apply?”
Same response when I remind them that job postings in my state require a salary range
These days, just asking the recruiter what company they are recruiting for is enough. I don’t fucking get it tbh… these recruiters will spend weeks hounding you about this crazy opportunity in LinkedIn and across three different emails and on Instagram and occasionally Snapchat, and then just ghost you the second you ask them the most obvious fucking question. “Where do you want me to apply?”
Most of the recruiters contacting me work for, or exclusively with, the hiring firm.
But yeah, the others don’t want you to apply externally, they want their cut for standing in the middle.