115 files changed and almost 3k lines added… sure, I’ll have this reviewed by tomorrow for ya 🙄

  • @thantik
    91 year ago

    I saw a open source project that was basically just an HVAC thermostat that should have been…at most like 5 files and 500 lines of code, take up 28 directories, 1876 lines of code, with full MVC framework, complete with java’s silly bullshit of having like 8 levels of directory…after directory…after directory… to get to the source file.

    I fucking hate the state of programming today.

    • ISometimesAdmin
      81 year ago

      I’m sorry, but I think you might just hate Java. Because that very much sounds like a Java problem.

    • @richard_wagner
      21 year ago

      What about the Java practice of having a matching implementation class for every class? Or does that actually serve a purpose, lol.