Mehdi: “Did you not make 750,000 dollars?” Vivek Ramaswamy: “Not at the time I had applied for the [Soros] scholarship.” Mehdi: “Yes you did Vivek. This is awkward for you because you did. I’ve got the tax returns in front of my face.”

  • @Hazdaz
    459 months ago

    Wow, actually asking some hard questions to Republican candidates? Let me guess, they are going to fire that reporter within a few weeks.

    Imagine if our (usually) awful news media asked these kinds of questions to Trump nearly 8 years ago.

    • @[email protected]
      219 months ago

      Nah. MSNBC won’t fire him. You won’t see Five-Head ever do another interview on the station ever again though.

    • @BertramDitore
      119 months ago

      I totally understand the sentiment and would normally agree, but Mehdi Hasan is well known for this. He doesn’t take bullshit answers, he pushes relentlessly and always has the receipts on hand. Vivek either knew going in and thought he could stand his ground (few can), or didn’t know and should fire someone himself.

      • @Hazdaz
        59 months ago

        That’s how ALL reporters should be. Instead, the vast majority of them give out one free pass after another to Republican candidates and yet hold Democrats to impossibly high standards.