A lot of RPGs use a specific term for their game to refer to the gamemaster of that game. D&D obviously has the Dungeon Master; the Storytelling system (used by Vampire: The Masquerade) has the Storyteller; Call of Cthulhu has the Keeper.

If Pathfinder was going to have its own unique term rather than using the generic Gamemaster, what should it be?

  • Ada
    161 year ago

    Pathmaker, and the players would be pathfinders

    • @caseofthematts
      21 year ago

      I was going to run a campaign in 5e during a primordial era, where the land is still shifting and moving. Since it takes place thousands of years before anything, I felt “adventurers” wouldn’t fit the characters, and decided “pathfinders” would fit in the setting, and was a funny little tongue in cheek reference.

      Since that initial idea, I’ve moved on to playing pf2e, and if I ever run this campaign, am definitely going to keep that name going.