Democracy Now! news clip containing info about Uranium weapons already in Ukraine (supplied by the UK), as well as info about Uranium weapons used in the past (in Iraq), and the effects of their use.

  • @bhmnscmm
    1 year ago

    Depleted uranium munitions aren’t just a risk to Russians. They’re a significant heath risk to everyone where they’re used–Russian soldiers, Ukranian soldiers, and civilians.

    • @jeffw
      211 year ago

      You’re referring to how Putin has been using them the whole time, right?

      Or are we not saying bad things about Russia in this thread?

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Whilst I find it very believable that Russia have been using them the whole time, do you have a source? I did a quick check but all the noise at the moment is about the US and these shells.

        It’d just be good to have reference to a source that they are already using them.

      • @bhmnscmm
        11 year ago

        I’m simply stating depleted uranium munitions have health risks for everyone in response to the comment above me seemingly implying they’re only a risk to Russians.

    • FaceDeer
      51 year ago

      If the Russians withdraw then the munitions won’t be used.

    • cassetti
      1 year ago

      Yep, exactly. As cool as DU rounds sound on the battlefield as a competitive advantage for piercing armor. They are a health risk to both the soldiers handling them and absolutely poisons the soil which will have an affect on future generations living on that land.

      But I guess that’s the point - to scare the russians as well as salt the earth so it’s useless irradiated soil for either side to use for decades to come… Or I’m sure if Russia keeps the land, they’ll simply mine it anyways and who gives a hoot about the health of government workers mining resources for the motherland, right?? /s