Senate confirms Biden FCC pick as 5 Republicans join Democrats in 55-43 vote. Anna Gomez confirmation means “FCC can act swiftly to restore net neutrality.”::Anna Gomez confirmation means “FCC can act swiftly to restore net neutrality.”

  • @[email protected]
    449 months ago

    “Obamacare for the Internet”

    For all its flaws the ACA has worked out relatively well for most people. Is that a tactic that finds any purchase with anyone not already in the bag?

    I understand its primary reason and you play to the base, but this seems short sighted even for the zodiac killer.

    • @Archer
      179 months ago

      Ted Cruz knows that people were for the ACA and against Obamacare, so that’s why he says this

    • @[email protected]
      159 months ago

      anyone not already in the bag?

      At this point, as far as I can tell, the GOP doesn’t seem to give a shit about anyone not in the bag, their only goal is to keep everyone inside too scared to leave.

    • @afraid_of_zombies
      19 months ago

      I don’t know the individual mandate really messed me up one year. My workplace and the exchange were too expensive so I get fined for not having enough money. Meanwhile my employer’s health insurance company made bank.

      If the ACA had gone through without the individual mandate I would have been a lot happier. Go ahead and argue with me but unless you have a few hundred dollars to give me I am very unlikely to change my views. And before you start, yes I live in a state where the rate isnt $0.