Apologies, I know it’s a shitty website.

  • @Ensign_Crab
    52 years ago

    As though abortion bans don’t incentivize rape already.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      132 years ago

      Why is this getting downvoted? He’s absolutely right.

      Rape is all about power and control. Forcing the woman to also carry the rapist’s baby (or possibly even raise it) would be a trophy for the rapist. The fact that “that bitch now has to carry and pop out my kid, too!” is going to make rapists all sorts of giddy knowing that the US government is going to make sure that the victim suffers for at least 9 more months.

      “Hey, I’m in jail, but that’s my kid in your stomach. Do me a favor, and let me know if he has my eyes, OK?”

      The level of mental torture that rapists would have on their victims would grow exponentially, and that alone is going to be a huge incentive for those who get off on having that kind of power over women.

      Abortion bans absolutely do incentivize rape.

      82 years ago

      I find incentivizing rape a bit out there. Rape is a crime of violence usually perpetrated with no thought to whether or not their would be a child. This is more nefarious. It continues to erode women’s self autonomy with the end goal to eventually reduce them to little more than breeding stock.

      • @[email protected]
        102 years ago

        Forcing a woman to carry and deliver a child often forces them to remain dependent on their partner, thus increasing his control over her

      • @Drivebyhaiku
        82 years ago

        If you scroll through incel forums or read the research papers regarding their communities this particular kind of rape and forced birth revenge is an outright fetish in those communities supported by a shameful amount of anime porn that services that particular fantasy.

        Rendering women to breeding stock is definitely the more widespread concern but I am not sure calling it further insentive for rape is actually all that off base.

      • @Nightwingdragon
        72 years ago

        Rape is a crime of violence usually perpetrated with no thought to whether or not their would be a child.

        No, but forcing their victim to go through pregnancy would be an additional “bonus prize” that they could “win”. We see this already in states that are still fucking retarded enough to say that a rapist has paternal rights. These people routinely use that power to further traumatize their victims by trying to assert those rights even from jail. They don’t actually care about the kid – the entire point is to either waste everybody’s time with frivolous lawsuits because they have nothing better to do, or to continue the victimization because the twisted joy they get in making her life miserable gets them off (sometimes, literally).