Is it really just because of the fentanyl situation? I know there is a huge disagreement with how the strict rules for prescribing opioids are so tight even for chronic pain patients like myself who can’t participate in life without em struggle to find a provider who is willing to prescribe us them.

  • @tallwookie
    251 year ago

    opioids were over prescribed for years and years with no thought to the consequences - mainly because the person writing the scrip was compensated for it by the drug manufacturers.

    this led to tens of thousands of people who became addicted to opioids and lacked the willpower to fight being dope sick to get clean. even once you’re clean, relapse is common. the reality is that many people are weak willed - but no one wants to discuss that.

    now cheap synthetic opioids are easily mass manufactured in China and Mexico and they are widely available & flood the streets. examples: & (there are others but those are the ones I’ve seen recently).