Excellent! Batteries in modern phones are surprisingly definitely removable and replaceable. I’ve done it multiple times. However, the unfriendly barrier to entry is glue and clips that require careful prying with spugers. It’s quite clear manufacturers are happy blocking you getting in; plenty people just buy new phones when the battery gets too old.
Excellent! Batteries in modern phones are surprisingly definitely removable and replaceable. I’ve done it multiple times. However, the unfriendly barrier to entry is glue and clips that require careful prying with spugers. It’s quite clear manufacturers are happy blocking you getting in; plenty people just buy new phones when the battery gets too old.
Worst was when the batteries were glued to the screen so you could break the entire phone apart trying to change it yourself.
See Pebble Classic
Man I loved that phone. WebOS felt so ahead of its time. Unfortunate hit to repairability though
I loved my Palm Pre. I would still switch back to a modern WebOS device if it was a thing lol