I just don’t see it happening. Shit I have a hard time getting them to use god damn Whatsapp or Telegram (still bad but at least better than Instagram).
They are all iPhone users in the US so as you may expect they are too damn lazy to install another messaging app despite having Instagram Snapchat Tiktok BeReal and whatever shitty social media app that exists on the App Store.
For the love of god don’t just say “you need bettee friends” 😂 cause let’s be honest finding a privacy conscious person that you also can get along with in the US as Gen Z is practically impossible.
Maybe you don’t… https://dessalines.github.io/essays/why_not_signal.html
TOR was started and funded by the US Naval Research Labs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s not perfect, but I know it’s widely used as a first line of defense. I won’t comment on the Radio Free Asia stuff because I have no knowledge of that, but I feel like there’s a lot of privacy tools we use that were initially funded by the US government, and even the US military in some cases. It always comes back to relative threat levels. Are you trying to avoid invasive corporate monitoring and some degree of government surveillance as a regular person? Signal is fine. Are you actively trying to hide from government intelligence agencies? Maybe it’s not so fine. Signal is still preferable to a messaging application owned by Meta, imo.
Good points
Holy heck, it almost seems like there is some counter-intel op against Signal going on here by the powers that be that doesn’t want you to use it because of its encryption (see? even I can make conspiracy theories like this). Now let me copy-paste one of my earlier posts:
Governments seem to have given up after 2021 haha
This is full on, unadulterated FUD. Practically the definition of it. Signal is tried, tested and legit. You are not doing anyone any favors by spreading such bullshit.
How stupid is this? The internet and Tor were also built in part by the US government. You not gunna use the internet because of that? Clearly you’re here so that’s not the case.
The point is you dont know if its true or not because signal backend is more or less a black box that cannot be audited.
That is completely false too. It has been successfully audited by multiple auditors.
You have no idea what you’re talking about, you’re literally just spreading FUD and making people less secure.
I’m not saying it is stupid or now, just passing along information that people should consider.
It’s misleading information, and you’re the one spreading it.
It might be, or not. For what’s worth Signal might be the most secure and private solution out there, probably event safer than Matrix. I’m not going to stop using it because of that article but people should know about all sides of a story and decide for themselves.
No might is needed here. You spread misinformation.