Despite his lip-service to democracy and human rights, Biden keeps embracing autocrats and would-be autocrats

  • @arbitrary_sarcasm
    231 year ago

    Why would anyone attribute credit to politicians for the work that scientists do ?

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Scientists need funding and public support. That’s the role of politicians.

      NASA would never have made it to the moon without public support for the billions of dollars that went into NASA coffers. Kennedy deserves credit for finding funding and public support for NASA.

      • @arbitrary_sarcasm
        11 year ago

        While I do agree that funding is necessary for research, I don’t think the politician who may or may not have brought funding to the project should receive more appreciation than the actual scientists.

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          You live in a country where value is defined by money instead of any intrinsic measure of value.

          Do landlords provide any service of value? Sure, they provide shelter. Does that explain 50% YoY rent increases? Not really…

          Similarly, did Kennedy provide a service of value? Not really… But we have assigned a certain value to his actions based on the economic system we exist in.

          • @arbitrary_sarcasm
            11 year ago

            Okay I have no idea what your point is here. And it seems like you missed my point too which was that “people who bring in money help fund research, but their contribution of funding shouldn’t diminish the work that the actual scientists do with that money”.

            • @arbitrary_sarcasm
              11 year ago

              Nvm, I just read the other comments you’ve posted and it really just feels like you’re trolling and trying to evoke a response out of people. So I’m gonna ignore anything further from you.

    • @[email protected]
      -121 year ago

      Because the scientists like Modi. It’s no different then a President claiming their administration is responsible for this or that here in the states

      The real question is why are people so mad about a country that went from colonial subjugation to landing on the moon in just 80 years? That’s something worthy of respect from anyone who actually has an ounce of humanity in them and cares about Democracy.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Under Hitler Germany went from economic stagnation and depression to building the forerunner of modern rockets in the V2 while many Germans experienced a huge gain in living standards in an incredibly short period… well, aside from those targeted for genocide, anyway.

        You might want to reconsider your thought process.

        • @[email protected]
          -81 year ago

          Did you seriously just compare India to Nazi Germany? LOL what?

          I think you people need some kind of medication. Wanting India to remain a poor country just so you can feel superior to them is really deranged

          Also, go read a book sometime. Hitler didn’t bring Germany out from economic depression. Germany was already heading that way before the Nazi Party took over and obliterated Europe for decades

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            No, I used another example of a leader who did both good things and horrible things as an illustration of how you don’t get to use the good stuff to erase the horrible stuff, thereby exposing the flaw in your apologetic reasoning.

            Modi is a demagogue that’s stoked the worst aspects of Hindu nationalism and encouraged racism and violence in the name of power. Any socioeconomic gains under his rule don’t erase those facts.

            That you attempt to use the tactic of equating criticism of Modi and the BJP with criticism of India, the country, as a method of stoking nationalistic anger toward those opposed to their rule only further illustrates how Modi and his supporters have, charitably, fascist tendencies.

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            RSS - The Parent organization of BJP, is inspired by Hitler. Golwalkar’s (founder of RSS) book ‘A Bunch of Thoughts’ literally praises Hitler and calls for genocide of Muslims. Every now and then BJP ministers call for violence against Muslims and abuses Gandhi.

            As for the ‘India is developing, not poor anymore’ comment, look at Oxfam report on Wealth Inequality in India. 1% own 40% of the total and bottom 50% only has 3% of the total wealth.

            What Modi is doing is eating the poor and feeding his two owners Adani and Ambani.

      • @arbitrary_sarcasm
        41 year ago

        Presidents and politicians can claim responsibility for any achievement they want to. Doesn’t mean that they actually have a legitimate claim.

        Nobody is mad at india for landing on the moon. Everybody likes that and congratulates the scientists for doing so. However, that doesn’t mean that the rest of the world forgives all the problems that india has.

        To draw a comparison, Qatar did a great job of hosting the FIFA world cup 2022 (transportation, immigration logistics wise, excluding accommodation). That doesn’t mean that everyone forgets about the human rights abuses in those countries.