• @paddirn
    1 year ago

    I had a situation like that. We were playing a superhero campaign and I was essentially given a Punisher/Rorschach character. No powers, police background with a brutal origin (shot in the face by the mob). Yet none of my character’s strengths (guns/police connections) made a difference and it just felt like a shitty experience week after week. I should’ve just talked it over with the GM, but I was like, “Fuck this, I’ll just go with a different character who has actual super powers, this guy can just die, I don’t care,” and I worked out a new character, intent on getting character 1 killed off.

    So we’re at a shitty, run-down, dirt-cheap motel and find out the owner is getting shaken down for protection money from the mob. The GM was pretty obviously railroading us to give our money as a party for the owner. I said, “Fuck that, I’m not negotiating with criminals, we’ll wait in ambush for the goons and take them out and get their bosses location.” That didn’t seem to jive with the GM’s script, so he had literally 100 goons (I mean literally 100) show up to collect protection money from this shit-hole motel owner. Still refused to pay, so they kill the owner before we can react and he rolls for all 100 goons to shoot at us (ignoring line of sight or any of that), and just insta-kills the party.

    He then retcons the TPK and basically forces us to give the money like he pre-wrote it to continue the story. I just dropped out and stopped playing after that session, it was too ridiculous at that point.