I have an extender already, but it’s a cheap one and bandwidth sucks. Any success stories?

Edit: Thanks all for your replies!

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I do this at my place that we’re renting. It works well, but agree that the house wiring will be the limiting factor.

    The last place we were in had shoddy wiring and it did struggled. Speed was like 30-50mbs versus the 1200-1500 mbs we get now (maximum is 2000 with the kit we have).

    • @9point6
      1 year ago

      Yeah it’s unfortunately a roll of the dice as to how your house is wired up.

      I’ve got a set of G.hn powerline adapters from Devolo which tend to get somewhere between 1-1.5gbps between each node in my house.

      The exact same adapters in my friend’s house got ~40mbps.

      So as has unfortunately always been the way, powerline is amazing except when it’s just not.