Need a politics-free safe space? It’s called “going for a walk”

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        Maybe I can’t differentiate because people make my life political. Good for you that’s not a problem but other people exist like me and have this issue. A lot of people seem to lack awareness of others and act like they’re in the right. It’s childish.

        I once worked for someone who thought like you. He was a real redneck. When I walked in, he looked at the hiring manager and rolled his eyes. I ended up doing the best out of anyone on my first day and it was physically intense. He apologized to me later because he gained an awareness that other people can exist differently without him being a bitch about it. You should learn from him.

      • Lightor
        51 year ago

        When politics imprest your life on such a level that it could mean not getting the health care you need, yeah it is part of your life, there is no difference. I think people like yourself see politics like sports, just boring talk, no one cares about your team. That’s not what it is, these are major things impacting people’s lives, and not talking about them could lead to less awareness and even more rights being taken away.

    • @[email protected]
      -171 year ago

      You see, if you are white, straight and male, the answer is usually a big difference. For everyone else? Likely very little.

      • Lightor
        121 year ago

        I mean it does though? If my wife died because she couldn’t get healthcare she needed, I feel like that might maybe affect me.

        • @[email protected]
          -31 year ago

          That’s why I wasn’t categorical. But I mean you proved my point. If your wife died she’d be the one who suffered and died. Not you.

          The point is, politics being like the super bowl is a privilege for some. For others it’s life and death. It’s almost like saying “Keep politics out of my life” is a relatively lucky/conservative request or point of view.

          • Lightor
            61 year ago

            Again, I would say if my wife died I would maybe suffer? Losing a partner is not just a nothing event…

            But I would agree, politics are life and death for certain people, they don’t have the luxury of getting to ignore them.

      • stevedidWHAT
        41 year ago

        There was a way to word this where you wouldn’t be a hypocrite but ya kinda just face planted fam.

        The whole point of being progressive is to identify things we’ve been missing and things we’ve been doing wrong and to fix them.

        Not to only swing the pendulum the other way. Not cool.

      • @[email protected]
        -31 year ago

        I don’t know why people are down voting you when you’re right. Hell people are mad at you just for talking about it

        • @[email protected]
          -31 year ago

          I mean I was mildly flippant. But I am a straight white guy, so you know, I’m not really punching up or down here?

          • o_d [he/him]
            -51 year ago

            It doesn’t matter what direction you’re punching here. You’re being called out because your analysis is wrong. Yes, politics in the west is certainly dominated by straight white males, but the important common trait that these people have is their class. Politics in most of the world is dominated by capital owners. Straight white males are afforded some concessions because it creates a divide among the working class. This does not mean that they are not oppressed due to their class character. Working class straight white males can and do suffer from some of the same oppression however, at a lower rate. This oppression is still unjustifiable.