Need a politics-free safe space? It’s called “going for a walk”

  • @[email protected]
    7510 months ago

    Lemmy has some very aggressive communists.

    I’ve been lucky enough to dodge the crazy right wingers though.

    • @Wogi
      810 months ago

      Hey I’m not an aggressive communist. I like to think I’m a pretty laid back communist.

      I mean unless we’re talking about the rich. But like my whole political ideology kinda hinges on aggression in that direction so…

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        I mean unless we’re talking about the rich. But like my whole political ideology kinda hinges on aggression in that direction so…

        I think the common Communist definition of “Rich” and Marx’s might differ vastly, and I think the vagueness of the word is half the reason. I see too many Communists calling for the death to (for example) computer programmers because many of them are able to save up a couple million by retirement. I know a few that ended up with $10M cash because they worked for a profit-share startup. While I’m not an expert on Marx, I’m pretty sure that’s not what he meant when he referred to the bourgeoisie.

        Hell, I don’t think he ever predicted the massive number of “petite bourgeoisie” that we have now in much of the west, people who put in 60-80 hours simply to live the same life the rest of us live but not have to obediently answer a boss. I’d do that if I could. You’d think Communists could make allies of both the successful proles (like programmers) and the petite bourgeoisie.

        If you draw “rich” somewhere close to the $100M mark or higher and include some asterisks on the ones you think should be murdered in the streets (assuming that’s what you meant by “unless we’re talking about the rich”), maybe most people will agree you’re not an aggressive communist (but still be terrified of you like we are of anyone who wants to kill someone for who they are). If you’re going to look at a grandma who has $2M in savings after her husband dies, the world’s got problems with you.

        I mean, if you want to peacefully dismantle people like Musk, then I’m 100% on board with you. If you would support someone taking sudden and violent force to him, as much as I think he’s a douche, that’s why we use the word “aggressive”.

        • @[email protected]
          910 months ago

          And yet nobody minds the aggression of capitalism and the right on anybody other than well off cishet white men 🤔

          Across the country LGBTQIA people are being actively censured, stripped of their right to exist, and outright physically assaulted. There’s no concerted trend trend to bitch about THAT violence, but mention a guillotine and half the fediverse comes out to cry about how we’re all just meanie tankies out to murder anybody who makes more than minimum wage.

          • @[email protected]
            010 months ago

            And yet nobody minds the aggression of capitalism and the right on anybody other than well off cishet white men 🤔

            Really? NOBODY minds that? I can’t be pro-LGBTQIA without believing that any possible system except strict communism will work? You’re talking black & white thinking, the same as the anti-LGBTQ extremists. There are miles of Left, even far left, that aren’t Authoritarian Communism (that isn’t authoritarianism but does involve Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the exertion of authority. I was fucking THERE, marching there, when they legalized gay marriage in my state, one of the first in my country. I had a good friend be in the first 50 gay marriages in my state. Does it not count if I’m not a Tankie? All my friends who were out there risking their safety against the Catholic alt-right violence in my state didn’t count?

            Look, you touched a nerve here, and I’m trying to take a breath. Maybe I misread you. Are you genuinely trying to say that you can’t oppose far-right violence without being a Communist? Or (perhaps just as bad) are you trying to say that if I’m not ok with violence against queer and transgender individuals that I need to be ok with violence against all liberals?

            And I’d like to quantify that I got hit this morning with a dozen replies putting me in the “liberal them” pile, basically agreeing that if I don’t strongly support violence against the non-Communist supermajority, I’m a liberal and have no right to call myself a leftist. I hate the tearing down of the pacifist Left I keep seeing.

              • @[email protected]
                210 months ago

                Interesting. I’m not a Tankie a tall. That’s kinda the point.

                with no gender and no country

                Wow. How many people would you murder to preserve your precious gender identity?

        • @Wogi
          710 months ago

          I have no problem with an individual acquiring wealth on the fruit of their own individual labor. The computer programmer getting a buy out from a venture capitalist has successfully gamed the system without being personally responsible for harm to others. At least directly. Usually.

          My problem is with people who exploit the labor of others for profit. No billionaire earns that last zero without causing harm. They perpetuate violence for profit, knowingly. That violence can take a lot of forms, from unsafe working conditions all the way down to actual fucking slavery.

          The thing is, you can’t participate in capitalism without either extreme ignorance or at least a little complacency towards that violence. And fine, there’s little to nothing most of us can do about it. You exist in this system, you’re a part of it. You’re either ok with others doing violence on your behalf so you can have a bit of chocolate in your breakfast croissant, or you aren’t.

          I don’t see a peaceful remedy to this problem. We can talk about theory, about “yeah just organize and vote” until we’re blue in the face but the reality is that system is actively rigged against us. We can talk about organizing your workplace and demanding better conditions, but that system is actively rigged against us too, even if you’re already in a union.

          We are actively rocketing towards a very bleak future and every passing day without cataclysmic change only pushes it down the line. And every day we push it back, it increases in magnitude.

          So frankly, if someone is going to commit violence on my behalf, I’d rather it be directed at the problem than directed at my peers in the working class, wherever they may be.

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            My problem is with people who exploit the labor of others for profit. No billionaire earns that last zero without causing harm

            I’m mostly on board with you. But I’d like to cite “Notch” (of Minecraft) as an example of someone who earns the last zero without causing harm. Pure fucking luck? Sure. Should be part of a society that will redistribute his wealth? Definitely. Perpetuating violence for profit? I dunno what he’s doing now, but he wasn’t when he got that billion.

            The thing is, you can’t participate in capitalism without either extreme ignorance or at least a little complacency towards that violence.

            As a demsoc, my whole position is described by stopping the violence from within. There are parts of capitalism that are palatable, though it will inevitably end up in a horrible state if left to stagnate. But if I had to choose between universal healthcare and welfare for all and a violent revolution that fewer than 10% of people actually want, I think the former is a better option. And despite me having a lot of the same goals as the groups seeking that revolution, they still terrify me.

            You exist in this system, you’re a part of it. You’re either ok with others doing violence on your behalf so you can have a bit of chocolate in your breakfast croissant, or you aren’t.

            Please understand that this terrifies me. The black & white no-middle-ground thinking is the foundation of so many atrocities. That idea that you cannot improve capitalism, or that a “better capitalism” is still identical to “others doing violence on your behalf so you can have a bit of chocolate” is the kind of madness that leads to authoritarian regimes. I’m against capitalism in general. I’m also against a smallish number of people with guns replacing capitalism with something else.

            I don’t see a peaceful remedy to this problem.

            Can you acknowledge that a state that over 90% of humans would be happy with is still within “the problem” for you? If not, please understand that THIS is why most people incorrectly batch Communism with Fascism. If so, please understand why you having a problem is the problem and you need to learn to differentiate between the Bidens and the Trumps. Biden is “the other side”. Trump is satan.

            We can talk about theory, about “yeah just organize and vote” until we’re blue in the face but the reality is that system is actively rigged against us.

            Let me be clear about this. I’m part of the same category batched as “progressives and leftists”. WE represent about 9% of the population in my home country. That part is unfortunately Democracy working as designed. Not rigged. WE should represent a larger percent of the population, but unlike Billionaires and Church Leaders, we can’t seem to find common ground between Far Left V1 and Far Left V2.

            But you’re right. With less than 6% of people in your country supporting your particular views, voting is not the answer. But, IMO, neither is violence. If 6% of the country manages a coup, I will not be happy no matter how much of their views I agree with. Because that’s an authoritarian regime.

            We are actively rocketing towards a very bleak future and every passing day without cataclysmic change only pushes it down the line. And every day we push it back, it increases in magnitude.

            Everything you say here I agree with. But if we can’t get the support for “very bleak future” under 90%, then you’ve failed even if you temporarily succeed.

            So frankly, if someone is going to commit violence on my behalf, I’d rather it be directed at the problem than directed at my peers in the working class, wherever they may be.

            My wife’s best friend is Petite Bourgeoisie, she owns a breakfast diner near the local project. She makes less than her workers in all but the most perfect months. I have no problem with her. I have problem with anyone who will make her choose between surrendering her freedom not to answer to an ownership structure (even a communal ownership structure), or “going up against the wall”. Ironically, it is the part of me most sympathetic to the goals of communism that support her attempted independence from private ownership. I have, on many occasions, been told she would be in line for death or disenfranchisement. Do you understand my reservations? I PREFER an imperfect capitalism if that is the only alternative. And you might not have meant it, but you came across as saying that’s the only alternative, and by way of violence.

            • @Eldritch
              010 months ago

              Whether or not notch directly hurt anyone himself. (He is now) The money he was paid was blood Money derived from persecuting destroying and monopolizing the market on Microsoft’s part.

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                So are you or are you not advocating for the murder of Notch? If so, I will oppose you at all costs as I would any extremist. If not, then what exactly are you disagreeing with me about?

                • @Eldritch
                  -110 months ago

                  No. Definitely not as long as he will help to work to make a more just and amicable Society. However if he or others try to violently oppress or push everyone down. All bets are off. One of the things these wealthy people need to remember is that we far outnumber them. And their money only isolates and protects them as long as we are marginally content. Should we ever get focused enough to the point to come for them. They stand no chance. So it’s in their interest to work with us. I don’t care if they have a slightly better life than average. So long as people aren’t homeless and Starving in the streets.

        • @GeneralVincent
          210 months ago

          You frame it as killing someone for who they are (rich) while the aggressive communist frames it as what the rich have done (destroy countless lives for personal monetary gain)

          Not saying that it’s ok, I wouldn’t condone murder in a public setting of course. Just saying :)

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            I’m not ok with the death penalty for serial killers and rapists, and I think the laws we have now (if they were enforced) cover for corruption.

            I have a rule. No matter how shitty the rules, nobody should die for playing by them. Ex Post Facto protections are a hallmark of preventing justice from being another name for authoritarian persecution. Of all people, it tends to shock me that Communists struggle to see that when they are the first to back extreme versions of ACAB-attitudes.

            I know rich people who are… just fucking rich and that’s it. Lottery, good job. Smart little investment. Most rich people don’t destroy lives directly for monetary gain. Is there an indirect effect between wealth distribution and suffering? SURE, but holding someone accountable by violence for something they indirectly effected when it was legal? I just can’t see it no matter how they frame it.

            It’s like COVID opposition. When we didn’t have laws against their bullshit (COVID spreader parties?) it is unjust to now go back and pass a law to punish there behavior merely because it caused hundreds of thousands of extra death.

    • @Zeth0s
      10 months ago

      From what I see, it’s full of wannabe rebel communists, who claim to be communist because they like the idea of revolution. The type of people that think that wallstreetbets is communist because “they fight the system”.

      Marx and gramsci are turning in their grave reading some lemmy post

    • @xploit
      010 months ago

      A whole bunch of these self proclaimed “communists” are supporting trump/trumpism…started with unfunny memes and well, I think we can all guess where they’re all going to end up.

      The funniest part is arguing about current “forms” of communism and capitalism and not realizing that it’s just the same shit from different assholes and a far cry from either.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        Are you lying about the communists supporting Trump or are you just repeating lies about the communists supporting Trump?

        • @xploit
          -210 months ago

          Just look at the crap they post, no need for me to lie

    • @[email protected]OP
      10 months ago

      Point me to a time/place when politics were not completely intertwined with meme communities.

      Oh, right. That doesn’t actually exist.

        • cynetri (he/any)
          310 months ago

          The prevelance of computers are inherently linked with the corporate desire to minimize cost and maximize productivity and profit. The origin of computers comes from military use; first seen in WW2 to calculate angles for artillery use and crack codes as with Enigma. Later, financial and educational institutions saw an ability to reduce labor cost by using computers to automate some record keeping. Why would they be interested in reducing cost? Capitalism, of course! And who were the ones programming these machines? Mostly, wealthy white men. You see, because computers were still giant, expensive machines, they required a college education to learn to use them. At this point, this was the 50s/60s, and non-white people had very little wealth due to, yknow, all that discrimination stuff. Plus, wealthy people especially back then were also very misogynistic (“i hate my wife” jokes, anyone?) And these wealthy whites were sometimes passionate for the industry, and as computers miniturized, they brought these minicomputers home, where they could use them for much more casual use. Enter the 70s, and these computer users start to make video games. Companies for this new fad start to show up. Fast forward a decade and people start making these new home computers play recorded audio and videos too, and before long, the baby dances. But not everyone had the money for home computers in the 90s, so not everyone is aware of the baby - which is where the discrimination part plays in. Most of the people who experienced the dancing baby in its prime were wealthy, majority white families, so the experience was unfortunately not universal. Or fortunately, idk lmao

          Of course I’m stretching super hard, but politics are everywhere when you look into it.

      • Scribbd
        2610 months ago

        Apologies for the sin of linking Reddit:

        Sometimes humans do stuff that are not at all related with politics. But we are masters of linking any non-political action to political arguments. (The classic ‘I like pancakes.’-‘So you hate waffles!’-problem)

        Sometimes I just want to have a space to engage with funny memes without the mental strain of filtering out political comments.

        • @[email protected]
          610 months ago

          just a random assortment grabbed from their top week:

          yeah the american lawn is totally not a political topic

          also yeah totally deriving joy from sabotaging megabillion dollar companies with collective action isn’t political

          neither is trespassing as revenge for corporations eating up public areas

          and what about a police force so sprawling and weaponized that we use it to reprimand children who make jokes?

          sure, it may seem a little contrived to you, but when we talk about how a fish who has been in water all its life can’t actually see the water, that’s how we believe liberals are with their own politics - you believe there’s no politics there because you’ve only ever been immersed in your own politics for the entirety of your life.

          • @[email protected]
            910 months ago

            I get, and largely agree with you, but the lawns and mall jewelry stores is a bit of a stretch. The first thing that comes to mind for the lawns (in the context of the meme) is people not wanting to rake. Most people don’t look at a patch of grass and conflate it with it’s political underpinnings. And the jewelry store is just about overcoming the mild discomfort from a very minor break of social etiquette. The meme and the act itself aren’t consciously political.

            Sure, if you think about them for a little bit, the implications become obvious. But these images aren’t meant to be thought provoking treatises on the nature of society; they’re quippy, topical jokes meant to make you blow a little air through your nose in amusement. Fwiw I’m not bothered by the amount of clearly political posts on Lemmy, this is the first place I’ve found political memes that are actually decent (for the most part). But they’re not for everyone and even people that do like them would like non-political content on occasion. It can be a bit of a pain to find that here

            • Greyscale
              310 months ago

              If you want to understand the lawns thing, try ordinary things video about lawns. And levvitt towns… And white flight… And racism.

              • @[email protected]
                310 months ago

                I know and understand the political history of American lawns. What I was saying is that the meme itself, while existing within that context, is not consciously political. Life and society is complex, if you think about anything for long enough you can make a political point about it. Just because there is an underlying political narrative behind things like mall jewelry stores and American lawns, does not mean every single meme or conversation about those things is or has to be political.

                Look through my comment history, you’ll find I am very much not opposed to talking about politics

          • Scribbd
            10 months ago

            I haven’t been on this sub for a while. It was once my go-to for just memes.

            If this is truly the top of recent week, the the sub has gone downhill in both moderation and content, which is sad to see.

            Also thanks for proving my point. You somehow forced gardening into a political topic. A childhood prank into a political topic. We are truly master of politicing the most inane things.

            The other topics I cannot say. Existing in a society is political. Breathing is political.

            I just wish to see a place where a meme about gardening is met with conversation how things are for others. Ex: ‘This is how I do gardening in [location], I dream of having a nice field of [local species] to support the bees.’

            And not have it devolve into political us-vs-them tribalism and hostilitites. Ex: ‘Those lawns are a product of American liberal colonialism! I hate you and you should feel ashamed!’

            That these images are hosted on is very telling and just supports the general feel that users interacting from there are just interacting to create hostility and dissonance.

            Not everybody, sure, I had conversations that were pleasant. I even read Marx summarised work as a suggestion from one from the lemmygrad-instance. And someon corrected me on a misconception I had from it.

            Edit: last but crossed out. Was stuck in primary response. I recognise that threads reviewed also has a lot of inate hostility for the ‘us’-camp. And hostility breeds hostility.

      • @[email protected]
        1810 months ago

        I would say pre 2016 political jokes was at one level, where the onion could make jokes that was not just an echo of reality.

        Somewhere after that we crossed the political joke event horizon, and now we live in bizarro world, where many news items could have been the onion jokes.

      • @[email protected]
        1610 months ago

        Sure that’s true, but here it’s like way above 50% of the posts being just full-on propaganda, disguised as memes. IDK, I’m just comparing it to other sites/communities where the politics to meme ratio is way lower and feels less forced.

        • @[email protected]OP
          510 months ago

          OK, fair enough.

          I think the fediverse in general attracts a lot of people who are tired of capitalist assholes extracting wealth on various tech platforms, which probably explains some of it. People are very angry right now, and that’s gonna be hard to escape on Lemmy/kbin

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        Back in the 2000s, most memes were just cat pictures. Longcat [is long], ceiling cat [is watching you], keyboard cat, grumpy cat etc.

        Also #BrusselsLockdown hashtag was used in 2015 to ease political tension.

    • @SkyezOpen
      -510 months ago

      Because political memes are hilarious.

      • @SaakoPaahtaa
        10 months ago

        Haha yes! The threehundreth variation of the same joke, feels like the first time I heard it

        • @SkyezOpen
          2110 months ago

          I will always find charlie kirk with a small face hilarious and I refuse to apologize.

          • @SaakoPaahtaa
            810 months ago

            We all have our guilty pleasures, I enjoy Stalin with a comically large spoon -memes but wouldn’t bother others with them.

              • @SaakoPaahtaa
                710 months ago

                Though that never happened, it’s good that it happened. Warm regards from my moms basement.

                I also like pointing out how homosexuals and trans folk have always been the first ones to get camped under communism.

                And that equality is a liberal ideology.

                And that social democracy fixes everything commies claim communism does, except that social democracy works.

                Gets em everytime.

                • @[email protected]
                  -210 months ago

                  I also like pointing out how homosexuals and trans folk have always been the first ones to get camped under communism.

                  East Germany, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, filipino maoist insurgent marriages, oh and also all current socialist countries are making massive progress on lgbt issues while the minority of capitalist countries where communist led lgbt movements have succeeded in scoring some victories are backsliding.

              • @SkyezOpen
                010 months ago

                -10,000 social credit. Bing chilling.

                • @[email protected]
                  -210 months ago

                  LOL like I had social credit! I’m an anarchist, typically among the first or second wave of political dissidents executed whenever a communist regime that would impliment such a social credit system takes power. Simply put: by the time that matters I’m already dead and hopefully took a few out omw.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    My main problem is that most of the memes aren’t even funny.

    Make memes that are funny and then we can talk

    • @[email protected]
      1210 months ago

      Yeah, it’s literally just circlejerking the same dumb political views with different variations of “if you don’t agree you’re stupid”

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      I saw one an hour or two ago, literally just a YouTube video of some guy screaming “if you have a penis you’re a boy if you have a vagina you’re a girl! Got it?!” end video

    • @[email protected]
      -810 months ago

      Expecting memes to be funny is literally the same as voting for Trump. Memes are supposed to be brave and important, and if you don’t agree with that you’re part of the problem.

  • Lightor
    2710 months ago

    Politics impact our lives, of course we talk about it. In the US basic human rights are being fought over. I bet if you were in danger of losing some civil rights you’d be interested in how it’s going lol.

    • Grayox
      910 months ago

      The definition of Privalage is not having to worry about politics because you are so secure in your place in our Capitalist Society Hierarchy.

  • @[email protected]
    2710 months ago

    I’m genuinely curious what’s the difference between talking about our lives and politics?

      • @[email protected]
        810 months ago

        Maybe I can’t differentiate because people make my life political. Good for you that’s not a problem but other people exist like me and have this issue. A lot of people seem to lack awareness of others and act like they’re in the right. It’s childish.

        I once worked for someone who thought like you. He was a real redneck. When I walked in, he looked at the hiring manager and rolled his eyes. I ended up doing the best out of anyone on my first day and it was physically intense. He apologized to me later because he gained an awareness that other people can exist differently without him being a bitch about it. You should learn from him.

      • Lightor
        510 months ago

        When politics imprest your life on such a level that it could mean not getting the health care you need, yeah it is part of your life, there is no difference. I think people like yourself see politics like sports, just boring talk, no one cares about your team. That’s not what it is, these are major things impacting people’s lives, and not talking about them could lead to less awareness and even more rights being taken away.

    • @[email protected]
      -1710 months ago

      You see, if you are white, straight and male, the answer is usually a big difference. For everyone else? Likely very little.

      • Lightor
        1210 months ago

        I mean it does though? If my wife died because she couldn’t get healthcare she needed, I feel like that might maybe affect me.

        • @[email protected]
          -310 months ago

          That’s why I wasn’t categorical. But I mean you proved my point. If your wife died she’d be the one who suffered and died. Not you.

          The point is, politics being like the super bowl is a privilege for some. For others it’s life and death. It’s almost like saying “Keep politics out of my life” is a relatively lucky/conservative request or point of view.

          • Lightor
            610 months ago

            Again, I would say if my wife died I would maybe suffer? Losing a partner is not just a nothing event…

            But I would agree, politics are life and death for certain people, they don’t have the luxury of getting to ignore them.

      • stevedidWHAT
        410 months ago

        There was a way to word this where you wouldn’t be a hypocrite but ya kinda just face planted fam.

        The whole point of being progressive is to identify things we’ve been missing and things we’ve been doing wrong and to fix them.

        Not to only swing the pendulum the other way. Not cool.

      • @[email protected]
        -310 months ago

        I don’t know why people are down voting you when you’re right. Hell people are mad at you just for talking about it

        • @[email protected]
          -310 months ago

          I mean I was mildly flippant. But I am a straight white guy, so you know, I’m not really punching up or down here?

          • o_d [he/him]
            -510 months ago

            It doesn’t matter what direction you’re punching here. You’re being called out because your analysis is wrong. Yes, politics in the west is certainly dominated by straight white males, but the important common trait that these people have is their class. Politics in most of the world is dominated by capital owners. Straight white males are afforded some concessions because it creates a divide among the working class. This does not mean that they are not oppressed due to their class character. Working class straight white males can and do suffer from some of the same oppression however, at a lower rate. This oppression is still unjustifiable.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        1310 months ago

        Exactly! “Why are you making everything about politics?”

        I’m a gay person in a red state with first-gen immigrants and trans people in my family. I don’t have the luxury not to “make everything political.” The fact that I exist is political to these people!

    • @[email protected]OP
      1110 months ago

      They also have a real affinity for the time-tested “BOTH SIDES ARE BAD” argument, the absolute most sure-fire tell of a right-winger.

        • CMLVI
          010 months ago

          Let’s live like a community.

          Unless you’re gay or trans or non-religious. While you’re doing community activities with me, I’m going to spend every other waking moment trying to get your human rights taken away.

          But when I have time, we’ll schedule some of those community things.

        • @[email protected]
          -210 months ago

          Careful. Hexbear caught your scent.
          Now you’ll get a whole bunch of them replying to you nonstop for a couple of days.

    • @Katana314
      210 months ago

      I do use woke unironically, but in a prideful way. Eg, Brooklyn 99; “He means he was arrested for being black! Get woke, Scully!!”

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        310 months ago

        Fair enough! I always thought that “woke” should be a good thing.

        Same with SJW – it’s actually a positive thing to fight for social justice! Like, thanks for the compliment, I guess…

  • Tb0n3
    10 months ago

    And the other two thirds are politics posts.

    You don’t have to make everything political. It’s okay just to have fun and like things.

  • Gormadt
    2410 months ago

    Going for a walk?!?

    That has surprisingly become political in the US

    • @EmpathicVagrant
      1710 months ago

      Leftie propaganda from big sidewalk! They want to see your precious calories burn!!

      • @[email protected]
        1210 months ago

        I wonder if there are any conservatives who get upset about nutrition labels when they find out the food has trans fats in it.

        • rigatti
          610 months ago

          The pedos are grooming our Oreos!

    • @uis
      110 months ago

      France go for a walk every year, and in Russia you can be beaten to death for jogging.

  • @[email protected]
    2210 months ago

    Also every person who bitches about safe spaces: “ban dresses on men because it makes me feel funny”

  • @Ineedcoffee
    2110 months ago

    I live in São Paulo state, very leftist person. My city voted 86% for Bolsonaro, so good luck going for a walk to find a politic free space.

    • LinkOpensChest.wav
      910 months ago

      South Dakota in the US here. Very red state. Can’t avoid politics unless I stick my head in the sand even for a moment and let the fascists run unchecked

      • @Ineedcoffee
        710 months ago

        never ever ever let the fascists run unchecked. they tend to end upside down somewhere in Italy.

        • LinkOpensChest.wav
          310 months ago

          Upside down in Italy is one of the best places for a fascist to be

          Better yet is if they just stop being fascists, but you can’t logic a person out of a position they didn’t logic themselves into, so slim chance of that

      • @sysadmin420
        210 months ago

        Fellow South Dakotan, /me tips hat

  • notsharp
    1610 months ago

    you can still block a community.

    • @kryostar
      10 months ago

      It’s always this sub… with the stupid Joe Biden memes. I don’t care… stop showing me politicians.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        I’ve been here a couple of months and I don’t think I’ve seen but possibly one Biden thing

  • Ignacio
    1510 months ago

    Need a politics-free safe space? It’s called “going for a walk”

    Unfortunately, walks don’t last forever. Another option is to delete your lemmy/kbin account, because everything in these places is politics or related to politics or turned into politics.

      • Ignacio
        910 months ago

        There are already, like antiquememeroadshow, adhdmemes and my_mouldy_memes. But the most generic meme communities, or the flagship meme communities if you prefer it that way, are infected.

        • @9point6
          -310 months ago

          Maybe because they’re not called nonpoliticalmemes or something like that?

          Why wouldn’t a general memes community contain memes of all types, which would include political memes?

          Tbh I’ve subscribed to all sorts of meme communities, and I wouldn’t say I see an annoying level of political memes on my subscribed feed.

            • @9point6
              110 months ago

              That page 404s for me FWIW

              I wonder if maybe this is a federation thing then given you’re on kbin. Honestly doesn’t seem that bad a problem to me on

              And as much as my other comment has a couple of people disagreeing with me, I don’t think the point is unreasonable.

              Unless a general purpose meme community explicitly disallows a specific type of content, I don’t see how you can expect to not see it.

              Particularly something like politics which people just love making memes about. It’s like complaining about SpongeBob or Star wars memes in the same community, there’s just a lot of that kind of content out there, so you’re gonna see it in general purpose places.

              But again, maybe this is a federation thing and I’m not seeing the problems others are on different instances

              • @[email protected]
                210 months ago

                I don’t see anywhere close to the same amount of political memes on generic meme communities anywhere else i frequent on the internet. Lemmy feels like it consists almost exclusively of political memes.

                I guess i wouldn’t mind so much if they were actually funny, but they aren’t. They’re mostly just “haha those people dumb” with zero effort to be funny or clever or anything which could make them interesting after having seen the first 3 or 4 of them.