• @SaakoPaahtaa
    -81 year ago

    You just said you don’t know the US housing market

    In this comment you state you’ve read my every comment, yet I missed this one, care to point it out for me? Throughout the convo I was looking for dope houses on the market, many of which were totally in the range of around 150k. That one guy bought a big lot for less than 50k.

    Anyway you sent like 100 comments over the night, mostly with points I’ve already addressed so I’m not gonna reply to most of them. I am perplexed about the perceived hostility towards me, surely your landlord is happy knowing full well their walking-talking rainy day fund is out there defending them and making sure the situation never changes. Buying into this doomer-propaganda is exactly what lets your Lord to live a happy and fulfilling life. Make no attempt to change it.

    But in all seriousness, I know how nice it is to crawl into misery and feel defensive when someone tries to nudge you out. I’ve never felt THAT defensive but despair is very addictive. I’m just saying that if there are things to do to improve you life and reach your goals, you are probably better off doing them rather than sperging out on randoms online.

    • @AnalogyAddict
      61 year ago

      You’re being a cheerleader at the edge of rapids butthurt because your chant of “be aggressive” isn’t actually helping the drowning people feel better.

      • @SaakoPaahtaa
        -41 year ago

        a cheerleader at the edge of rapids butthurt

        This reference flew right over me mate. Also, I never intended anyone to “feel” better, but to do better. A concerning amount of pro-landlord hysteria out here to be quenched, how people perceive it is really not my prerogative.

        • @kmkz_ninja
          41 year ago

          Being anti-“I literally can’t afford a home” isn’t being pro landlord you fucking idiot.

          • @SaakoPaahtaa
            -31 year ago

            Being “I’d much rather pay my dear Lord more money in exchange for doing literally nothing to improve my situation” is exactly what the Lord you love so much wants you to do.

            Why you seem to be mad at me who’s at least trying to help you out, instead of the leech that sucks the money out of you is something only pro-landlords will understand apparently.

            • @kmkz_ninja
              21 year ago

              You aren’t trying to help.

              I understand you aren’t trying to hurt, but you aren’t being useful in a discussion about traditional Western housing options.

              • @SaakoPaahtaa
                -21 year ago

                Even though admittedly the credit rating system sounds ass, I really can’t fathom anyone who’s down for saving just a bit not getting a loan for, say this 22k 1301sqft house in bumfuck ohio. Like if you can’t then you are the outlier.

            • Lightor
              21 year ago

              You absolute bell end. Read what people are saying. No one wants to pay a land lord, everyone wants to own a house. They literally can’t. All your “try hard” chanting doesn’t make it any not possible.

              You’re not trying to help out anyone. You’re the guy telling the person who’s depressed due to chemical imbalance to “just try being happy” then you get confused when they tell you it doesn’t work like that and insist it does.

              • @SaakoPaahtaa
                -21 year ago

                You’re the guy telling the person who’s depressed due to chemical imbalance to “just try being happy”

                Next time I want to say something, I should just ask what visions you’ve been having lmao. Like literally your every comment is about a comment you think I made, yet I never made one. Actually delusional

                • Lightor
                  11 year ago

                  I can see how someone who lacks reading comprehension and basic understanding of the topic they’re speaking on may think other people are delusional. You’re in a world you don’t understand and lack the comprehension to grasp it, I get that, so I’ll help you by spoon-feeding it.

                  You said:

                  Why you seem to be mad at me who’s at least trying to help you out, instead of the leech that sucks the money out of you is something only pro-landlords will understand apparently.

                  Are you trying to help people out? Really? Kinda like you telling a depressed person to “just be happy” would be helping out? What help do you think you’re providing actually? Telling people that owning a house is better because you’re not throwing away rent money? Everyone knows that it’s not a choice they want to make, it’s simply the only option they have.

                  • @SaakoPaahtaa
                    -11 year ago

                    Kinda like you telling a depressed person to “just be happy” would be helping out?

                    I still don’t know where you got this one from mate.

                    Telling people that owning a house is better because you’re not throwing away rent money?


                    Everyone knows that it’s not a choice they want to make, it’s simply the only option they have.

                    Sure, the defenses seen here in this thread truly reflect upon that lack of options. I’m sure no one will forcefully drag you out of your comfort zone, as that might actually improve your life. And that’s scary. But earlier you said you were 16yo, so I’ll give you a few years to grow up and perhaps something I’ve said stuck in your mind and helps you to become a better person, instead of this excuse blabbering coward.

    • Lightor
      11 year ago
      1. Never said I read every comment you made, I said “reading all these comments” which is very diffent.

      2. I didn’t send 100, it was like 3. Yes you addressed them, just extremely poorly, so I called them out again.

      3. I’m not defending any landlord, I’m just calling out your naive and uninformed statements. You even admit to ignorance on topics you’re speaking to. I own a house guy, I don’t know what angle you’re trying to play lol.

      4. I’m not in any sense of despair, like I said I own a house I love. You’re problem is you assume, just like you assumed I have a land lord and don’t own a house. You assume people have just given up, you can’t even fathom the concept that it is unattainable. You have this boomer mindset of “if you work hard enough anything and everything is possible” which ignore reality and the very real obstacles it has.

      • @SaakoPaahtaa
        -31 year ago
        1. Lmao keep dodging boy
        2. I mean, considering you are literally making up claims, it’s hard to address anything without resorting to same
        3. You’re only defending the stuff landlords want you to defend
        4. I’d ask for sources on that too, but knowing you, you’d just say I said it without backing it up with a source.
        • Lightor
          11 year ago
          1. Keep dodging? There’s nothing to dodge lol. You misrepresented the statement and I corrected you. I get you may not like being wrong, but it doesn’t make you less wrong lol.

          2. Making up claims? Like you saying I made 100 comments when anyone can look and see that’s factually wrong? Or do you mean more vaguely making up stuff, like how you admit you don’t know how credit scores work but think people should be able to buy houses, which rely on credit scores, a thing you don’t understand?

          3. I hate landlords, nice assumptions and reach though, but super transparent. 2/10

          4. A source for what? That I own a house? Sure, I’ll show you proof, right after you show me proof that you own this magical house that was super cheap and easy to get.