• Margot Robbie
    -61 year ago

    Advertisements are fine, as long as it’s not too hard to block, or if they follow the same rule as other posts in that you can always upvote/downvote and comment on them.

    I don’t think many instance admin would go for it though currently, as that would be the fastest way to turn your users against you.

    • @FringeTheory999
      81 year ago

      I would prefer that ads NOT be the same as regular posts to prevent people from mistaking promoted ads for actual content. Reddit was really bad about this, you would click a thing thinking it was legitimate only to find out it was an ad after the fact. I want my content and my ads to remain separate. They need to be clearly marked (not stealthily marked like on reddit), the ratio of ads to content should heavily favor content, and they need to be dismissible.

    • eatham 🇭🇲
      1 year ago

      Maybe admins could start with opt-in ads that they ask if you want when you create an account? Very few people would accept them but some would and even tho it wouldn’t cover the costs it could help a bit. You definitely shouldn’t just enable ads for all tho