I originally attempted to post an image with a separate link to a Mediaite article. It seems that isn’t possible (the image link overrode the article link) so I’ve deleted the image and restored the original link to the article.

  • @kescusay
    2111 year ago

    Yep, but the hypocrisy literally does not matter to him, or to Republican voters.

    We need to come to grips with the fact that a large segment of the population - thank goodness not the majority, but still large - is so mentally broken that they simply do not care about reality anymore, in any way. They’re tired of losing every long-term societal battle, from letting black people sit at lunch counters to being called out for homophobia, and they’ve decided that if they can’t have their way, democratically (small-d), the problem is with democracy, not with themselves.

    Yes, McCarthy flip-flopped, but Republicans like that. They haven’t got a single ounce of shame, and they don’t care about integrity, honesty, or reality itself. It’s now all about whatever can allow them to keep their stranglehold on society for a little longer.

    • @CosmicTurtle
      321 year ago

      I’ve been saying this for years.

      There is exactly one party that cares about hypocrisy.

      And it ain’t the Republicans.

    • @mpa92643
      1 year ago

      The thing to remember about most Republicans (and Republican politicians especially) is that any arguments they throw out in pursuit of a particular goal only apply to that goal.

      Impeachment of Trump was bad, so they said the Speaker didn’t have the power, that impeachment should be only for extreme situations, that high crimes and misdemeanors means you have to break the law to be impeached, that Democrats were on a mission to impeach Trump since he was elected.

      But now, impeachment of Biden is good, so the Speaker clearly has the power to initiate an inquiry, that vague, shady insinuations with no hard evidence is sufficient to impeach, that they’re definitely not on a witch-hunt to impeach Biden despite investigating him from the moment they got their majority and moving forward to impeach with zero actual evidence.

      You can point out their hypocrisy and they won’t defend themselves. Some of them might even try to convince you the situation is somehow different, but most don’t care. They set their sights on a goal and backfill an argument to justify it.

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      Can’t remember who I saw lay it out like this, but I think it’s broadly correct: Republicans like the hypocrisy precisely because it is another way to show power. You are beholden to things that you believe or that you have evidence for, I do and say whatever the fuck I want and you can do nothing about it. Changing the party line and ethos the way other people change socks doesn’t matter if your world view isn’t based on consistent underlying principles, but on demonstrating power and superiority. When you view the world and politics like that, being right or wrong in a debate is just showmanship and aesthetics rather than substance.