• @SaakoPaahtaa
    1 year ago

    There must? I mean you just admit in that sentence that you don’t know, then go right off into an assumption and using that assumption ad justification.

    Ah shit sorry I didn’t know there weren’t

    So you’re not from the US, which means you lack knowledge by just not knowing the laws, culture, systems, etc

    As you very well know, there is no such thing as reading. I know nothing of the things I’ve actually not seen myself.

    Bro I know you’re a kid but please

    • Lightor
      11 year ago

      Ah shit sorry I didn’t know there weren’t

      OMG, guys, he found a single house. The housing crisis is over, someone alert the press. This single house destroys the entire market shift that is happening right now, we need to alert real estate companies. What an idiot. The fact you think this proves your point just shows how naive you are lol.

      Pro tip, maybe read the things you send. Like the fact that the property is an online-only foreclosure sale? You know what that means right? Who am I kidding, of course you don’t lol.

      Bro I know you’re a kid but please

      I think grandpa needs to go back to bed. I’m a kid? Based on what? I’ve told you I own a house and I’m in my mid 30s… You really weren’t kidding when you said you know nothing.

      • @SaakoPaahtaa
        01 year ago

        OMG, guys, he found a single house.

        Googled “real estate ohio” and that was the literal first option of the first page that popped up. Really had to dig deep for that gem. Think that’s the only cheap house in the country though.

        Aaaah just fucking with ya here’s another googling with arkansas

        I’m in my mid 30s…

        In all honesty, no one with a matured frontal lobe is that emotional, actually spazzing out to strangers online. I literally do not believe you to be an adult.

        • Lightor
          11 year ago

          Googled “real estate ohio” and that was the literal first option of the first page that popped up. Really had to dig deep for that gem. Think that’s the only cheap house in the country though.

          Really love how you glossed over the fact that you linked an online-only foreclosure house to prove your point of affordable housing. Hey when you can’t dispute the facts, ignore them.

          In all honesty, no one with a matured frontal lobe is that emotional, actually spazzing out to strangers online. I literally do not believe you to be an adult.

          I mean coming from the guy saying people should be able to afford houses without even knowing what a credit score is, that means nothing. Talking about purchasing a home without knowing what a credit score is, well that’s literally how children talk about buying a home. Also the fact that you don’t seem to understand what a foreclosed house is and why it’s not “an affordable house” also makes me think you’re a child. Adults know and understand these things, and you will too one day.

          • @SaakoPaahtaa
            -11 year ago

            online-only foreclosure house

            Ah sorry I forgot the money paid for them is actually 10-fold. Lmao, keep grasping straws for as long as you need bud

            that means nothing

            Seems to mean everything to you. I mean, you LOVE misery. Otherwise you would’ve closed this tab like a day ago. It’s actually and legitimately sad to see young people getting addicted to rage. No matter the irrefutable points I bring forth, you must not make your Lords life any harder. You will go to hell for them as long as it means you don’t have to take control of your life or admit that there are things you can do to improve your life.

            • Lightor
              11 year ago

              Ah sorry I forgot the money paid for them is actually 10-fold. Lmao, keep grasping straws for as long as you need bud

              What, it’s ten-fold? No… Do you know what foreclosure means? Do you know how that impacts inspections and negotiations? Do you know how it impacts insurance? I mean I’m just a dumb kid right, could you explain those things to me?

              Seems to mean everything to you. I mean, you LOVE misery. Otherwise you would’ve closed this tab like a day ago.

              Oh you think I’m miserable? Dude, I’m clowning you nonstop. I’ve screenshotted a comment you made and posted it in my work chat for us to laugh at. I’m far from miserable, I think you’re a big joke and I’m enjoying the laugh.

              It’s actually and legitimately sad to see young people getting addicted to rage.

              Well then give it up, you don’t have to be addicted man.

              No matter the irrefutable points I bring forth

              Big big lol. Big lol. “Irrefutable points” lol. From the guy who doesn’t know what a credit score is or what a foreclosed house even means. You are the definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

              • @SaakoPaahtaa
                01 year ago

                Oh you think I’m miserable? Dude, I’m clowning you nonstop. I’ve screenshotted a comment you made and posted it in my work chat for us to laugh at. I’m far from miserable, I think you’re a big joke and I’m enjoying the laugh.

                I’m so sorry but jfc this is literally the most smirk-crying-wojak post I’ve seen. It’s perfect in every way. I don’t even know what to say I’m flabbergasted. I’m sorry but I will return the favour

                • Lightor
                  11 year ago

                  Wait, so what I did was “literally the most smirk-crying-wojak post you’ve seen” but you’re going to do the exact same thing. Well, at least you’re consistent in your hypocrisy.

                  Still waiting though.

                  • @SaakoPaahtaa
                    -11 year ago

                    Honestly, I could never do better than that post. It was actual perfection and I will cherish it. Say hi to the kids on discord for me!