So along the two sides that aren’t sticking properly, they were kind of bridged on there which explains the issues, however my second attempt printing with supports resulted in the same issues. I’m wondering why that is. I’m going to start printing with the fans off to see if that is the issue, everything else looks fine though. Let me know if you guys have any advice for better quality prints.

  • /home/pineappleloverOP
    11 year ago

    I’m starting out with 0% first. However, I wonder if it will break my hardware as a device melting plastic at 245 C should have some cooling system or it will burn up right?

    • hibbfd
      21 year ago

      typically the fan cooling the heatbreak and extruder stays on even with the “extruder” aka part cooler fan turned off

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      As the other person stated, the hotend has two fans. One for part cooling and one to cool the extruder itself. The latter is usually controlled by the printer with no way for you to change it (apart from maybe rebuilding your own firmware) so you will be good to go running at 0%. The issue with this is that some part designs need the plastic to be cooled quickly for things like bridging, which is where you’ll run into issues having the part cooling fan turned off. That probably won’t be an issue when printing a box though.