Reading Antifragile by Nassim Taleb was eye-opening for me. I turn to the concepts of the book whenever I feel unsure about a decision or opinion.

  • krellor
    81 year ago

    Some of my favorites:

    Thinking fast and slow, Daniel Kahneman
    Truly a great book that has been influential in how I approach presenting material to other people and in making sense of the world. Daniel and his long standing research partner received the Nobel prize in economics with there work in behavioral psychology. The book teaches you how people think, make decisions, and process information.

    Antifragile, nassim taleb.
    I won’t say much other than to make a counterpoint. As much as I enjoyed the book and his presentation and arguments around making systems antifragile, his witing can be summarized by a quote from Dr. Tetlock: “His witing is like a fine French meal, gently dusted with shit.” Taleb is a bit up his own ass at times, but antifragile is imo his best work.

    Superforcasting, Phillip Tetlock.
    Great book on how to quantify the chance of future events. Famously feuding with nassim taleb, though really it’s more taleb feuding with anyone who has different ideas than him.

    Man’s search for meaning, Victor frankl.
    One of the most interesting, heart wrenching and warming books. Whether you subscribe to his exact philosophies, frankl is a wonderful read.

    The better angels of our nature, Steven pinker.
    Probably the most exhaustively assembled academic book I’ve ever read on the trends of progress.

    Origin story, David Christian.
    An excellent history of everything with a focus on the repeating patterns of humanity trending towards more complex social interactions. Am easy and enjoyable read.