About 2-3 years ago the line clogged and I didn’t catch it for a while and we had some serious water damage. It just clogged again and I caught it pretty quick but it could have been bad.
Shop vac solves the immediate problem but I’d like a more permanent solution. Any ideas?
My shit is pretty old and there isn’t a float switch. We’re planning on a full replacement next year so maybe this is the answer.
Water sensors are a cheap investment that can be reused later. You can also buy inexpensive ones from Tuya or Aqara that are smart and should be able to notify you on your phone over just a simple one that beeps.
And if the unit plugs into an outlet there are smart adapters than can cut off power at a signal from the security system.
A float switch is cheap and easy to install, but I would hire a pro to do it.