Thanks to a comment by @[email protected] , I checked and saw that ‘Federation debugging’ mode was enabled. I had enabled that when the server just started (less than 3 weeks ago) and I had an issue with federation.

I thought I had switched that off again, but apparently not. This mode causes the federation to be done in the foreground, so your ‘Post’ or ‘Comment’ action will wait for that to finish…

This solves the most annoying issue, and makes the site way more useable. There are many other issues, but we’ll get there.

  • Kabe
    11 year ago

    Yeah I could, but I’d prefer to have the list local to so users here can browse through the index locally.

    It’s not a huge deal, but I was more wondering why exactly the post isn’t being accepted by the server.

    • @Evono
      11 year ago

      Might be still a early limitation or simply bug. Maybe contact the lemmy Devs I think they are on github