Fees of up to $0.20 per install threaten to upend large chunks of the industry.

  • @[email protected]
    571 year ago

    Installed Godot yesterday and it’s starting to grow on me, I like it. Looking forward to a huge movement of studios over to Godot, which will hopefully speed up the development of Godot through further support. Is there any reliable source of data about which game engines are popular at the moment? I want to see that sweet sweet decline in Unity user base over to Godot.

    • @[email protected]
      271 year ago

      Unreal Engine almost has a monopoly at this point. It‘s also very friendly to use for small indie devs, not charging you anything for the first million dollars you make. Their license fees also seem rather fair as of now. But it doesn‘t help competition is flat lining left and right. Epic Games could feel their engine is worth a little more when Unity is gone too so I‘m happy to see many hobby devs give Godot a try first. I hope a company like Valve with their sheer infinite resources will see the shrinking market of Unreal alternatives and give their engine development a serious push. We really need more diversity when it comes to Engines.

      • Rentlar
        131 year ago

        Yeah, and Unreal is just one group of psychopathic executives away from pulling similar shit.

        • Dark Arc
          21 year ago

          Did valve ever release it?

          Crytek is doing some major work to CryEngine for Hunt Showdown.

          O3DE also exists

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      Definitely waiting for Godot (heh) to step up to the plate, it’s missing some stuff at the moment but give it a year and I’m sure it’ll get there. We’re stuck with Unity for now but things like this mean plans are in place to migrate off it should it become necessary (by and large aren’t hit by this yet because we charge a bunch for the app so 20p isn’t a big deal… although we don’t and likely can’t track installs so no idea how that works…).

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      A friend works for a large-ish company that makes a product on Unity (not a game tho) and he just told me they were moving to Godot ASAP