• IninewCrow
    91 year ago

    I think it’s more like a few hundred individuals scratching and clawing to get everything they can (and do) … while the rest of the millions just try to get by.

      • IninewCrow
        31 year ago

        Most success is built on hereditary and inheritance.

        If you are born poor … chances are very high that you will stay poor … sure there are success stories but the majority of the poor stay poor all their lives, no matter how hard they work.

        If you are born wealthy … chances are very high that you will stay wealthy … and chances are also high that you will become even more wealthy. None of it based on talent, hard work, experience or ability … it’s all based on luck of the draw.

        Ever played video games? What happens when your character spawns with all powerups, weapons, supplies and equipment fully loaded? It’s a pretty fun game and you get to go pretty far. What happens when your character spawns in a death trap, surrounded by hostile characters and you have no weapons, no equipment and no wealth? It isn’t fun and you’ll probably end up getting killed pretty fast or you end up struggling through the game for hours before you get do anything enjoyable.

        Everyone likes to talk about success stories and that one off person that worked like a dog to become a millionaire … no one ever likes to talk about the endless millions and billions of people that work far more than they have to and never scratch their way out of poverty.