Just making sure I’m in the right place. I cannot see any developed communities here so I’ve started wondering, what’s the real place everyone from Reddit has moved to? I’ve heard something about Discuit, but never tried it.

  • @TeaHands
    310 months ago

    Yeah trendingcommunities is great! Was very proud of [email protected] for getting in there last week lol.

    That second link though is the bot spam instance where you can request a subreddit for it to just mindlessly repost. Most people already have it blocked. There are probably places to request real communities too but I don’t know them off the top of my head!

    • @Papanca
      210 months ago

      Haha, yep, joined the knitting one, even though i’m on a hiatus. Still nice to see people show off their work.

      I had no idea about that instance; i joined once, asked for a community and someone immediately shared one, so i thought it was very helpful. Thanks for letting me know!