• @orclev
    1 year ago

    I am going to be so mad if the DNC decides to bunt on this next election and lets Trump actually win (I’m just going to assume we’re still on the worst possible timeline and Trump won’t be convicted). In a perfect world the DNC would find an actually good candidate in their couch cushions or something and run them, but since what we have is Biden, at least I don’t know, pretend to give a shit about anything. Even if we all know it’s bullshit at least promise to fix some stuff. I’m so tired of the Democrats running on campaigns that amount to “We’re only 10% evil, so vote for us”, while the Republicans campaign on “Vote for us and we’ll do our best to legalize everything terrible about the 19th century, but if you’re rich white and male, you’ll probably be fine”.

    • Jordan Lund
      41 year ago

      I’m less concerned about '24 than I am a '28 “Her Turn” Harris candidate. She hasn’t been good or effective as VP and running her in '28 guarantees a Republican win.