• Lightor
    11 year ago

    Yes. If you’re interested in more information, don’t let me stop you from googling more about them. Please note there are slight differences between states.

    I mean you listed a foreclosure, online-only sale as an affordable home. Please tell me how that is an option as your one and only home if you understand what that means.

    That’s an outlier. How does an inmate with a life sentence buy a house?

    That’s a starwman. Either way, the inmate could still buy a house, they very much could. But you said it was easy, that people just need to do it, that they just don’t want to try and that’s the reason. I gave you an example, a small town person that is trapped and under medical debt. That is not an outlier. I get you’re not from the US, so you don’t know (which makes it even more odd that you would claim it’s an outlier) but it’s not. Big companies like Walmart or Amazon will move to small towns and trap people in these jobs on purpose because they have no options.

    But ok, that’s an extreme outlier. What about someone who is working a partime job, they have to work overtime, so no real free time, just to survive day to day. Just to afford to live. They have no credit score or a poor one due to not being able to afford things like health care and sudden expenses like a car breaking. How does that person buy a house? They work 60 hours a week to just make ends meat, thats a reality for tons of Americans, not an outlier at all. How do they buy a house if it’s that easy?

    Uh, sleeping is now idiotic?

    Lol that’s not what I said, but that being your take away kinda proved my point.

    • @SaakoPaahtaa
      -11 year ago

      Took like 2 days to come up with such weak material.

      I mean you listed a foreclosure, online-only sale as an affordable home.

      As one of them, how is that supposed to change the fact that there are affordable houses in the states?

      Please tell me how that is an option as your one and only home

      I’ve given you resources for you to educate yourself.

      That’s a starwman.

      No, it’s an outlier. Not an, uh, star w man?

      Lol that’s not what I said

      It’s just what you replied to me going to sleep lmao.

      Pathetic answer, come up with more of that salty-ass-shit from earlier.

      • Lightor
        1 year ago

        Took like 2 days to come up with such weak material.

        Took me 2 days? Dude I legit forgot you existed. I get you might not have a life, but some random idiot online doesn’t rank high on things I think about. I opened the app today and got reminded. That mindset of it “taking 2 days” really makes me think I got some free real-estate up there buddy. Been going to sleep at night replaying it in your head over and over huh? Thinking about come backs in the shower? Lol

        As one of them, how is that supposed to change the fact that there are affordable houses in the states?

        Oh it doesn’t. The gap between cost of living and income does and that’s will documented. It was just showing how much of an idiot you are to use it as an example.

        I’ve given you resources for you to educate yourself

        Lol I think you need the education. See what you did wasn’t provide information. You provided a horrible example and then when brought face to face with it you did the most classic deflection of all time “do your research”. If you actually understood how you could explain it. But you don’t, so you can’t, and we both know it, no matter how much you try to save face.

        No, it’s an outlier. Not an, uh, star w man?

        You’ve never seen a typo? Really, you have so little you’re going after typos? Wait wait, my bad. You may have never seen or even know what the term straw man is, so I can see why you’re confused and you still think it’s just an outlier. Oh to be 13 again.

        Lol that’s not what I saidIt’s just what you replied to me going to sleep lmao.

        Yes, that’s when I replied. Very good. But you’re still missing the entire point of that message and it’s hilarious to watch you thrash around with your cute little reading comprehension.

        Pathetic answer, come up with more of that salty-ass-shit from earlier.

        Wow seeing a while lot of high school insults and no substance. Guess that’s what happens when your argument is garbage and based on a transparent lie.

        • @SaakoPaahtaa
          11 year ago

          Dude I legit forgot you existed.

          Bruh is seething yet lies lmao

          The gap between cost of living and income does and that’s will documented.

          So, that isn’t supposed to change the fact? Cost of living can get more expensive yet affordable houses still exist. It’s like your complaining about an orange while eating an apple. Not that you understand the difference.

          Lol I think you need the education

          Well stop asking it from me lol, what’s your point? Trying to dodge the fact that buying a house is possible as long as you’re not being a bit of a whiny bitch haha?

          You’ve never seen a typo?

          Just wanted clarification on whether you were talking about Saruman or Star Wars men. Two completely different franchises.

          Yes, that’s when I replied.

          As idiotic as this sounds, you need to sleep kid.

          Wow seeing a while lot of high school insults and no substance.

          I’m literally carrying the intelligence and informative side of this conversation.

          • Lightor
            1 year ago

            Bruh is seething yet lies lmao

            I’m seething? Well that’s projection if I’ve ever seen it. You think if I was seething I’d be responding right away, like you. But I forgot for days. I can get why you’re mad though, looking through the post again, people are just running all over you. It’s hilarious lol.

            So, that isn’t supposed to change the fact? Cost of living can get more expensive yet affordable houses still exist. It’s like your complaining about an orange while eating an apple. Not that you understand the difference.

            Lol just when I think you can’t get any dumber you say the gap between cost of living and wage doesn’t matter when buying a house, a literal cost of living. Not even realizing that when cost of all good like food and utilities go up, that what is “affordable” changes, people have less money to buy houses, even if they are cheap. I’m %100 certain you are a teen that doesn’t own a house at this point, no adult is this ignorant of basic economics.

            Well stop asking it from me lol, what’s your point? Trying to dodge the fact that buying a house is possible as long as you’re not being a bit of a whiny bitch haha?

            So when you want to know if someone actually knows something, you ask them about it. If they actually know about it they’ll tell you, if they don’t know about it they’ll throw a little fit and tell you to look it up on your own. So, that’s my point.

            As idiotic as this sounds, you need to sleep kid.

            Like a baby, every night. I’m my actual house I own, not my make believe home in my mom’s basement lol.

            I’m literally carrying the intelligence and informative side of this conversation.

            Lol, and there’s the narcissistic personality. I’ve again asked you questions and posed situations that you’ve not addressed. Just like before. You’re unable or unwilling to address topics I bring up end instead resort to whatever this little tantrum is.

            Dude, I’m just dunking on you over and over like a child. Reading through the comments, so are other people. Any rational person would have a little self reflection, take the L, and move on. But not you, your ego clearly will not allow it. So all you’re left with is telling transparent lies and throwing a fit. It’s pathetic man, get some self respect.

            • @SaakoPaahtaa
              01 year ago

              I’m seething?


              Lol just when I think you can’t get any dumber you say the gap between cost of living and wage doesn’t matter when buying a house

              Where did I say that lmao? I said they are different things. You can have affordable houses and rising living costs. I mean, my expectations of your intelligence are low but jesus, that’s bad.

              So when you want to know if someone actually knows something, you ask them about it.

              Why should you when I’m literally right now schooling on you? Literally just told you that houses and living costs are two different things.

              Like a baby, every night.

              I do not doubt that one bit. Not one bit.

              Lol, and there’s the narcissistic personality

              Honestly, it’s just realistic. It’s been purely me who’s been bringing in facts, analysis and statistics to this, when you just spout about star wars men and living costs=house costs. Actually lmao

              • Lightor
                01 year ago


                This just really speaks to your ego again. You have to think you know everything, how housing works in a country you don’t even live in or understand. All the way to thinking you know how a stranger online you’ve never met feels. What a lonely life man…

                Where did I say that lmao? I said they are different things. You can have affordable houses and rising living costs. I mean, my expectations of your intelligence are low but jesus, that’s bad.

                You’re just right there. If one brain cell could just band into another you might get it. Lemme try to break through that ego and actually try to teach you something. Housing is part of cost of living. If cost of living goes up, that means housing costs are going up. If housing costs go up, that means they are not affordable, they are going up. Also what is “affordable” changes, since people have less money due to increase cost across the board. So you saying something ignorant like cost of living and affordable housing are like apples and organs just makes you look like the child you are, trying to have big boy convos you’re not equipped to have. Clearly.

                Why should you when I’m literally right now schooling on you? Literally just told you that houses and living costs are two different things.

                I mean you’re trying to educate me, but it’s not working well when you don’t know anything about the topic you’re trying to educate people on. Again, you’re trying to dodge the question because it would make you have to admit you don’t know something and are wrong. Easier just to beat your chest and say you know things without ever showing you know a damn thing. If anything you’ve shown over and over how out of your depth you are.

                I do not doubt that one bit. Not one bit.

                Yah man, try it. When you don’t go around telling BS lies and trying back them without bruising your ego it’s easy.

                Honestly, it’s just realistic. It’s been purely me who’s been bringing in facts, analysis and statistics to this, when you just spout about star wars men and living costs=house costs. Actually lmao

                You haven’t brought in one fact. You saying you have doesn’t make it so lol. You listed a house and I asked one question about it and you refuse to answer telling me to look myself. I have, I know, that’s why I’m asking the question. I also presented a very common case where people can’t afford a house, a thing you say everyone should be able to do. I asked you how those people would and you just ignored the question. You’ve done nothing but throw some grade school insults and say you’ve show proof without showing any.

                when you just spout about star wars men and living costs=house costs.

                And this is why you’re an idiot lol. The cost of your house is part of cost of living. You are dead wrong here and you can’t accept it because of that massive ego. You can’t admit when you’re wrong, even if it’s just a google search away. You dont think housing costs have anything to do with cost of living? You want facts, how about this. “The cost of living is the amount of money needed to cover basic expenses such as housing, food, taxes, and healthcare in a certain place and time period.”


                Oh shit, looks like you’re wrong. I’m soooo suprised.

                • @SaakoPaahtaa
                  01 year ago

                  This just really speaks to your ego again

                  If my ego is reality, is it really ego?

                  You’re just right there.

                  That’s not a source lmao. Tell me where I said it, you know, a link or something.

                  I mean you’re trying to educate me, but it’s not working well

                  Yeah, hard to reach these kids with tiktoks and all taking your attention

                  Yah man, try it. When you don’t go around telling BS lies

                  Are BS lies truths? Do double negatives work like that?

                  You haven’t brought in one fact.

                  I mean for sure if you haven’t read my comments, it’s easy to get that impression.

                  “The cost of living is the amount of money needed to cover basic expenses such as housing, food, taxes, and healthcare in a certain place and time period.”

                  Hell yeah dude, color me surprised actually. You did do your own research and now we agree that living costs doesn’t equal to house prices. Housing includes stuff like rent AND mortgage among many other things. Hence your comment on living costs=house prices WAS wrong! Just like I told you it’s wrong.

                  See, the one time you did your research and actually looked into what you’re talking about, you start to agree with me. Isn’t it curious? Or, you know, how I told you to look into foreclosures and after that you haven’t bitched about them either?

                  Someone more intelligent might come to a realization at this point, but I don’t have high hopes for you despite the flash of sunlight there at the end.

                  • Lightor
                    11 year ago

                    If my ego is reality, is it really ego?

                    No, but thinking your ego is reality is peak ego.

                    That’s not a source lmao. Tell me where I said it, you know, a link or something.

                    Linked at the end of my post showing how rising cost of living means rising cost of homes, which means they aren’t affordable.

                    Yeah, hard to reach these kids with tiktoks and all taking your attention

                    Lol tiktok, cute, is that the thing all you kids are hooked on now.

                    Are BS lies truths? Do double negatives work like that?

                    No they don’t. BS isn’t always a statement to the negative, sometimes it’s just an adjective.

                    I mean for sure if you haven’t read my comments, it’s easy to get that impression.

                    It is, it is. But then you read them and you don’t need to have the impression, you know. Just because you link something that doesn’t prove your point then dodge questions about it, that doesn’t make it a “fact” lol.

                    Hell yeah dude, color me surprised actually. You did do your own research and now we agree that living costs doesn’t equal to house prices.

                    It says “basic expenses such as housing”, expenses are quantified as prices. It is literally saying that cost of living is includes housing prices… I never said your cost of living was ONLY housing prices. But housing price is the largest expense in most cases. I get living with your mom she pays for everything so you might not realize it, but it is.

                    Housing includes stuff like rent AND mortgage among many other things. Hence your comment on living costs=house prices WAS wrong! Just like I told you it’s wrong.

                    Jesus fuck dude. Cost of living includes the cost of being in a home. The biggest expense to being in a home is not your gas bill, it’s your rent/mortgage. At this point, you’re willingly burying your head in the sand. Remember what I said earlier about actually taking the time to learn instead of assuming you’re right? Maybe try that.

                    See, the one time you did your research and actually looked into what you’re talking about, you start to agree with me.

                    What? I don’t agree with you at all, and you just said I was wrong. Dude your ego is a legit problem, like legit talk to someone. You don’t do research assuming your right, you’re shown you’re wrong and can’t accept it, then when facts are shown proving you wrong you try to act like they back your point. Dude you are legit delusional.

                    Or, you know, how I told you to look into foreclosures and after that you haven’t bitched about them either?

                    I gave up because you refuse to speak on it outside “do your won research”. I did, they are viable. Instead of demanding proof nonstop how about you provide some to back your point? Tell me how an online-only, no inspection, as is foreclosure is a viable affordable home. I’ve stopped asking because I’ve accepted the fact that when you’re wrong you do nothing but name call and dodge questions. It’s a clear pattern here, most likely driven by your massive ego.

                    Someone more intelligent might come to a realization at this point, but I don’t have high hopes for you despite the flash of sunlight there at the end.

                    I mean this is a nothing statement that’s just fluffing yourself up. When you have no substance it’s all talk, like this. I get it, you think you’re very smart, no matter how many times your proven wrong of made to face the reality that you aren’t.