Most of you are probably already aware of prolific game designer Grant Howitt, I’ve only just realised just quite how prolific he is. There are 79 RPGs on his page, most of which are pay-what-you-want, and several of which contain multiple different games!

Lots of them are single-page RPGs (Honey Heist being the most well-known I believe) and I fancy running a few when we’re down a player for our regular campaign. Anyone have any recommendations?

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    I backed it for more than I shouldn’t have, but I want it on my shelf. Looking cool. Looking provocative. I mean how could I not want it on my shelf? Also the pitch does make it sound awesome!

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Oh for sure. It looks gorgeous, and I’m usually happy to read and collect rulebooks for their own sake. But I also just got charged for backing Dolmenwood, where most of my gaming budget went recently, so I figured I should slow down a bit. :P

      But enjoy it! I’ll probably pick up the PDF down the road. :)

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I thought of picking up Dolmenwood but if I remember correctly that campaign launched shortly after Shadow of the Weird Wizard. And SotWW ate my whole fantasy budget

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Oh yeah, I had to make the same decision, and so did LOTS of other people. I had honestly been looking forward to SotWW for ages, because I liked the system of Shadow of the Demon Lord, but got burnt out on the grimdark vibe. I went with Dolmenwood, but it was a tough decision!