LOL, I cannot believe that this hasn’t been posted here already.

Here are my anecdotes regarding Radiohead…When the Pablo Honey album came out, It thought it was OK but eschewed the chance to see them play live, as I thought they were a bit of a one hit wonder…wrong. The friends who asked me to go, came back agog at the show. I got back on board with OK, Computer but mostly I can take or leave most of their discography.

Years later, I found myself living in Oxford and going to see gigs regularly at the place this video was filmed, The Venue, which had changed its name to The Zodiac. I also used to see Thom Yorke trundling his kid around in a pushchair and going to the supermarket.

Youtube backup link

  • @Late2TheParty
    11 year ago

    This song is so good! It translates so well across so many genres.