• @magnusrufus
      11 year ago

      I do actually stand against bigotry, I just have reasonable standards for what qualifies as bigotry. That you just made that statement reinforces my point that you are treating making fun of braggart Americans as being as heinous as actual forms of bigotry.

        • @magnusrufus
          11 year ago

          What do you base that on? Or are you just fucking around again?

            • @magnusrufus
              11 year ago

              So you’ve stopped being sincere again. But we do seem to have settled on you actually were putting mocking Americans at the same level as actual bigotry. Were you just fucking around before when you took exception to that observation?

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                Jesus christ, I knew Americans were dumb, but it’s worse than I thought.

                I’m calling you out on the bigotry you accept, but turning it back on you because obviously you don’t believe those things about yourself. And you don’t deserve to be judged by other people’s bigoted perceptions.

                I don’t think all bigotry is on the same level no matter how many times you say it. But an American probably dosen’t even understand that they can be bigoted.

                • @magnusrufus
                  11 year ago

                  I just don’t buy that making fun of people going on about how they are number one is bigotry. I think calling it that is what cheapens actual bigotry. How much of what you just said was sincere and how much is just fucking around?

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 year ago

                    Godamn, you actually believe that shit and think it’s OK. Remarkable.

                    Bigotry: obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

                    You are a bigot. You seem to be ok with that, and that’s fine. People being bigger bigots than you dosen’t justify it.