X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called::After a report called out Musk’s union-busting, UAW’s blue check got reinstated.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Did you not read my post?

    Let him have his infamy, he’s using it to disprove every positive association with billionaires.

    Give him all the clicks, all the views, pay attention - he’s the real time greatest argument there will ever be for not having another Elon Musk. Pay attention, break it down for your dad, spread the word to your friends - it’s very important that as a species, we learn this lesson ASAP. Next time, this lesson will cost a great many lives

    Yeah, he gets what he wants, but I have literally, never for a moment, cared what some elongated muskrat wants

    • @assassin_aragorn
      11 year ago

      You might’ve misread, I’m in complete agreement with you. It’s the people who think that it’s just helping Musk that I disagree with.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Ah… you’re right, rereading that I totally got that jumbled up in my head, sorry

        I might be a little touchy on the topic…I have family members who are smart and educated, but even now think Musk is some kind of genius, maybe with a personality disorder excused by his genius. Telling them about him doesn’t help, but letting him show them his true colors surely will (eventually)