• @xkforce
    1 year ago

    Tbh I dont usually spend that much on food i.e meal or just the entre. About the most expensive thing Ive had was a 100+ dollar meal i.e crab, lobster, some sickeningly sweet mango cocktail etc. And I also found out that I am not really a fan of the way the roasted brussel sprouts were prepared. (They drizzled a sweet sauce on them that wasnt just due to carmelization and I cannot stand the resulting flavor profile) Overall the meal was good but not worth the cost at all.

    Ive spent 50-60 bucks on the ingredients for a meal Ive prepared at home that I enjoyed more than that.

    At some point Id like to try real wagyu beef but I am pretty sure the level of fat will not be to my liking as I normally pick fairly lean cuts but a large part of that is because most fatty beef doesnt really have great marbling throughout the cut. Its mostly separate and just gags me with the texture of it.

    • @lovesickoyster
      1 year ago

      try real wagyu beef

      for what it’s worth, you can get bad wagyu beef - it literally just means a particular breed of beef, but nothing about the quality of the meat. What you’re probably thinking of is A5 graded wagyu beef. And you definitely should try it!

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      At some point Id like to try real wagyu beef

      Had it and found out it’s not my thing is very tender, almost ‘slice with a knife’ like. However I prefer my steak to have a modicum of chewyness. Don’t like the filet mignon either, I prefer an entrecôte.