Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is getting some heat after video footage showed her in close contact with a male companion at a Beetlejuice musical from which she was booted after allegedly vaping in front of a pregnant woman. That companion is reportedly the owner of a pro-LGBT bar that has hosted a dra…
I think Lemmy needs a filter for random Boebert drivel. This is like the fifth iteration of ‘what Boebert did at Beetlejuice’ that has dominated my feed.
Eh, there have been different updates to the story, which is why. In a week, folks will go back to forgetting about her until she does something stupid again.
This seems to happen with popular posts/news here because they’re each posted on a multiple instances, or different magazines within an instance.
Most apps give you the ability to filter by keywords. I have anything Elon related filtered.
Sync (android app) let’s you filter things on e.g. title.
Might give that a go, thank you.
The best thing I learned out of all this is that there’s a Beetlejuice musical. I hope it plays near me soon.
That’s how news works.
I reckon we have different ideas of what constitutes ‘news’.
Maybe. But I feel like “Congressperson performs sex act in front of children” is pretty newsworthy.
You can scroll past and choose not to engage.
The thing is that more keeps surfacing now that video from the security camera is published and it generates clicks.
Or you know, ignore it and move on.