Not a big CNN fan, but this is a very well-done dissection.

  • @Saraphim
    269 months ago

    Don’t give me hope that cnn is going to get some of their integrity back.

    • whatupwiththat
      159 months ago

      sadly its just a breadcrumb, they’ll be back to the Corporate two sides are equal bullshit in the next break

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Yeah, I was gunna say: this impeachment attempt is obvious political theater, but I’m not about to listen to anything CNN has to say about it.

      They’re a major part of why politics are all a complete joke now.

      • @Saraphim
        19 months ago

        I think the downfall of legitimate news was inevitable. When CNN went 24 hours there was a lot of “how can they possibly find enough news to fill all that time?” And it was a legitimate question. The answer is that they can’t. So they manufacture things instead- opinion pieces that sound mysteriously like fact news, panels sitting around supposing what something could mean, interpreting events instead of factual explanations. It became a 24 gossipy talk show. And then even regular regional news followed suit. I don’t even bother to watch the news anymore, because it’s not news. It’s a bunch of jabbering assholes just making noises with their faces.