When I was a kid I fell out of a tree, I was easily at least 20 feet up, probably more, but I was lucky enough to hit a bunch of branches and landed on a rotten log. That was probably the closest: If I landed on a rock or something I definitely could’ve died.
I was using a home-made grappling hook made out of laundry line, bent wire hangars, and electrical tape.
When I was a kid I fell out of a tree, I was easily at least 20 feet up, probably more, but I was lucky enough to hit a bunch of branches and landed on a rotten log. That was probably the closest: If I landed on a rock or something I definitely could’ve died.
I was using a home-made grappling hook made out of laundry line, bent wire hangars, and electrical tape.
Yes, I know, I was not always the wisest.