There it is, plain as day. He literally just admitted to his crimes.

  • @[email protected]
    129 months ago

    Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. The exchange is:

    “Were you calling the shots?”
    “As to whether or not I thought the election was rigged, yeah it was my decision.”

    Trump is being charged with conspiracy to prevent the election results from being certified. He’s not being charged with lying about election rigging. He can flat out say “yeah I knew I lost I just wanted to lie to people”. He’s not obligated to tell the truth and it’s not why he’s in legal trouble.

    He would need to have said something about creating a plan to delay or prevent the certification and that lying about the election being rigged was part of that. Prosecutors claim they have this evidence anyways.

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      It’s already been established that Donnie knew he was lying and that lying about the election was a key part of the plot to overturn the election.

      So now he’s admitted to ordering a key part of the plot and he doesn’t have any legitimate reason to have done so.

      His lawyers have to argue either that he was lying now, or that he was in control of the lies about election, but was somehow unaware of the purpose for lying.

    • WalrusDragonOnABike
      -19 months ago

      twisty never even mentioned that part. The reason the commentator said what they did because Trump didn’t say thing thing the headline said he did. If he did, people would be right to point out that admitting to the crime is probably important in trying to prove he did the crime to a legal standard.