• @Twentytwodividedby7
    -221 year ago

    Just because there is public support does not mean it’s right. Tanking the economy will only hurt the majority, billionaires literally won’t notice. It’s not just the UAW that’s impacted, there’s huge ripple effects. Many suppliers were barely hanging on and this will probably be a death knell. And honestly, this is what makes me fucking hate working in Financial Services for one of the big 3.

    I run a department that performs forecasting that eventually influences the affordability of leasing globally and I’m responsiblefor a $25B portfolio. I work my ass off and I have a new family with a 1 year old - we were having a decent year finally after 3 bad ones, then this fucker comes along and is going to tank it.

    So now my family is going to suffer because of something completely unrelated to my role and performance. He makes sound bites, but the sides are so far apart it’s ridiculous. They accuse the companies of negotiating in bad faith, yet the UAW has yet to respond to any offer with a counter. They’ve been offered 20%+ raises, cost of living adjustments, signing bonuses, elimination of tiers, more holidays off, and better profit sharing - which is a huge improvement and gets them the majority of what they are asking for, but they’ve literally thrown that in the trash. My bet is all he will accomplish is more factories moving to non-UAW locations or Mexico.

    What exactly is the advantage of being American made when the workers turn out the worst quality for the highest wages and they can shut down production on a whim every few years? It’s honestly very frustrating to see this issue not being taken seriously here and there seems to be such little appreciation for the broader impacts.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      171 year ago

      Tanking the economy will only hurt the majority, billionaires literally won’t notice

      You’re talking about another recession where they can scoop up assets on the cheap and weather the storm while less fortunate people die. We’re talking about dismantling the system that makes that possible.

      • @duffman
        -81 year ago

        What does it mean to dismantle the system?

        • @Viking_Hippie
          121 year ago

          Asking for specifics, unable to grasp obvious concepts or being a sealion?

            • @Viking_Hippie
              11 year ago

              Several reasons.

              First of all, a lot of people argue in bad faith online and it’s not worth my time and effort to feed trolls, sealions and shills.

              Second, the question without further context implies that only people who know exactly what to replace it with are allowed to advocate the end of a horrendously wrong system.

              Second and a halfth, why are you talking me with being more specific when the question was far too vague to even know if that’s what they were asking for? Why demand specificity from me and not them?

              Third, in this specific case I’m tired and thus have less energy left to spend on what might be another futile back and forth. If they’re not serious about discussing it in good faith, I’d much rather spend my remaining energy on something fun like Baldurs Gate 3 or something…

          • @Cryophilia
            11 year ago

            I dunno about him, but I’m asking for specifics.

      • @Nahvi
        -171 year ago

        It is a lot easier to tear down the hard work of others than to build something up yourself.

        The UAW is not some benevolent non-profit out to help the poor people of America. They are an organization that represents less than .05% of Americans in one of the best paid low-skill jobs in America, and they say they are willing to try and tank the economy for the benefit of their members at the cost of everyone else.

        They are in no way going to dismantle the system that has made them wealthier than their friends and neighbors. They are just holding out for a bigger package with more benefits, and are willing to play Russian Roulette with the economy to get it.

        Even if all three CEOs gave up their salaries and benefits packages to benefit the UAW workers they would each only gain about $1 an hour based on my napkin math.

        This Fain guy’s rhetoric is nothing more than that and it makes him and the union sound like an asshole to a neutral observer. Not that there are any neutral observers in this post.

        • Flying Squid
          141 year ago

          How about if the three auto companies gave up 5% of their profits instead?

          • @Nahvi
            -21 year ago

            I have no idea what sort of profit margins the auto companies are working on. I do think profit sharing is a pretty decent idea though. I am surprised the UAW isn’t asking for something like that. Maybe it is too unstable for wage workers in case of a recession.

            • Flying Squid
              61 year ago

              No, what matters is how much it would cost to pay their workers more, not what profit margin they’re making. And do you honestly think their profits are lower than what they can pay their workers?

              • @Nahvi
                11 year ago

                not what profit margin they’re making.

                True. You said profit and I even responded profit margin, but I was still thinking you said revenue.

                do you honestly think their profits are lower than what they can pay their workers?

                From second hand knowledge they did pretty good this year and the first year of covid, but had rough goes in between. I don’t know if it makes up the difference or not.

                Without workers there is nothing to sell, so you must pay the workers, but there is a real issue that investors will bail out if they aren’t seeing returns. That said, I have a hard time believing the federal government would ever let the big three collapse, though they have already had to bail out GM once in the last couple decades. Hopefully, it does not become a repetitive issue.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  there is a real issue that investors will bail out if they aren’t seeing returns.

                  So we force them to cover bad bets instead of getting to walk away because they have money.

                  I have a hard time believing the federal government would ever let the big three collapse

                  So make those investors cover the loss instead of allowing them to pull out and short the shit out of the company requiring the government to infuse cash to keep them from failing.

                  • @Nahvi
                    1 year ago

                    This seems to be more getting into the issues with a stock exchange (and its rules), of which I have many. I have heard there are benefits to new companies having easier access to investors, but am not convinced that it is a good trade for the societal costs involved.

                    Even then, do keep in mind, when an investor divests from a company it isn’t just burning their connection to it; someone else is buying it. Usually some middle-class chump who didn’t understand the company was dying, and is indeed covering the loss by losing his retirement fund to it.

                    Edit: phrasing of italicized part.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Ahhh ok, so you really are talking out of your ass.

              The workers are not asking for much. Just their fair share

          • @Nahvi
            -41 year ago

            Am I wrong? I was using it as a comparison to jobs that require a similar amount of education and training.

            I tried to check and it seemed to be categorized as “unskilled”. Didn’t really seem like a completely fair assessment so I used “low-skill” instead.

            What would you call jobs in this category?

        • @Viking_Hippie
          91 year ago

          nothing but a bunch of pro-establishment and anti-union gaslighting nonsense

          We’re done here, bootlicker.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Thanks for the report CNmsNbc! Much appreciated

      You’re talking out of your ass with bs anecdotes. I don’t care.

      The corporate executives are tanking the economy not the workers. If you believe otherwise you’re an idiot…… or just talking out of your ass

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      The Dollar is the world reserve currency. Most billionaires wealth is directly tired to its stability. It’s why China/Russia may hate our government but they don’t try and fuck with wall street, they have their value tired to the same piggy bank. Destroying the US economy would directly impact the billionaire class and to act like it wouldn’t is such a fucking cop out.

      So now my family is going to suffer because of something completely unrelated to my role and performance.

      Considering you seem to not give two shits about the others getting affected by shit outside of their control and now that we are working to get rights for everyone else you feel slighted because your fucked corporate role aided in fucking everyone else, I have no fucking sympathy for you. I hope your affected because then you might just fucking get it because you clearly fucking don’t. Go pound sand dumb ass.

      They’ve been offered 20%+ raises, cost of living adjustments, signing bonuses, elimination of tiers, more holidays off, and better profit sharing - which is a huge improvement and gets them the majority of what they are asking for

      They want CEOs, and the billionaires reading the benefits of their work to be striped of most their wealth and redistributed to the masses where it’s needed. They don’t want scraps and what should of been given in the first place, they want fucking change. Honestly the fact you think this is enough clearly defines how fucked your mindset is and clearly demonstrates why you need to feel the hurt from this change. Go cry to your ceo I’m sure he will toss you to side just as quickly as everyone else even though you feel so strongly you need to defend those incompetent pieces of shit.