State 21 - Massachusetts

Cape Wildlife Center - Barnstable, MA

MA was a bit of a charge to find something for. It doesn’t look like they separate out raptor rehab like other states. Here is a Barn Owl that was saved from being poisoned.

Check out their Facebook for lots of animal photos and many ridiculous puns such as this bird got some blind justice when it flew into the wall of the courthouse or this owl couldn’t bend it like Beckham when it got stuck in a soccer net.

From their Facebook

We know we sound like a broken record, but the patients keep coming! Anticoagulant Rat Poisons arenot the answer! 🐀 🦉

This Barn Owl is receiving emergency treatment for suspected rodenticide toxicity in our hospital today. He was recovered by team members from Marine Mammal Alliance Nantucket and the local animal control officer this morning who found him being attacked by crows and in rough shape. Thankfully, they were able to safely get him on the last boat off the island before the coming storm, and our team picked him up at the docks and rushed him back to our hospital.

By the time he reached us he was debilitated, emaciated, and so weak he could not stand. His clotting time is over 3 hours and counting! Normal is within 4-6 minutes. These factors combined with his other blood work indicate that he is likely the victim of second generation anticoagulant rodenticide toxicosos,AKA rat poisoning.

This illness occurs when a predator eats a mouse or rat that has ingested the poison and as a result their blood stops clotting correctly. This can lead to systemic illness, and in severe cases can be fatal. Often times the predator becomes to weak to catch food, and as a result slowly grows weaker with time.

Thankfully this owl is already feeling a little better after his initial treatments, and is even started standing on his own. His attitude and condition improved enough that we were able to assist feed him some mice bits this afternoon along with a second dose of medications and fluids. He has a long road ahead, but his quick improvement has given us reason to be hopeful for a recovery.

  • anon6789OP
    1 year ago

    I also got bored last night and posted a cool looking Rufous Legged Owl, so if you sort by last 6 or 12 hours, go back and check that one out!

    EDIT - By request I have added leg pics of the Rofius Legged Owl to that post!

    I’ve been trying to put up some non-US owls for those that the state specific things don’t apply to. I’m eyeing up some good Australian and New Zealand owls for this weekend’s posts.

    • anon6789OP
      31 year ago

      Also someone please bump that Tawny Owl post from the weekend over 300 likes. It’s soooooo close at 297.

      I like seeing us on the Top list! We need more recruits!