• @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Yeah dude, the consequences only come if society actively shuns them for publicly saying Nazi shit. That’s the whole point! You can’t get someone fired for heiling hitler if people don’t think that’s something that should be punished!

    • @AllonzeeLV
      1 year ago

      No, you want to actively stop them before they’ve given their complete speech with every gruesome atrocity.

      I want that shit on camera. Please, keep talking, do go on, and please belabor specifics and ultimate goals of your hate.

      Difference. The more they say, the less they can bullshit out of it. You didn’t recite the first chapter of Mein Kampf from memory because you were having a bad day.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        What difference? Is laying out a complete plan for rendering the Jews into ash going to make their public shaming more effective somehow? Are they gonna get extra fired, double canceled?

        • @AllonzeeLV
          1 year ago

          The difference is you not letting them bury themselves with their words as much as humanly possible. You think “I hate the Jews” is sufficient, I think that can be wriggled out of more easily than letting them do their 2 hour diatribe of how much they hate them and what temperature oil they’d use to boil them alive.

          “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

          -Napoleon Bonaparte

          “I was saying juice! I hate juice boss you gotta believe me!”

          When someone wants to divulge their evil plan, fucking let them. Hell, they might start talking about future plans which means that Nazi might not be society’s problem anymore if you’re recording.

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            But the consequences are the same. The grave was already deep enough to bury them in. Letting them convince a bunch of impressionable rubes that the soil is soft and the solution to everything is buried in it is the mistake, not shoving in the dirt when they’ve dug deep enough.

            • @AllonzeeLV
              1 year ago

              The consequences are not necessarily the same. You add deniability cutting them short. You limit any long term plans, discussion of numbers or organization, their method of recruitment at the end, etc. All of which could be useful in social consequences and more importantly law enforcement tracking, which they thankfully do when it comes to white nationalists.

              Making a Nazi’s position as public as possible makes it harder for that nazi to move, and measures how much resource should be committed to tracking them. It’s the difference between “I hate x” and “I hate x, if you’re interested we meet at 6 at the church rec center on tuesday!”

              Now you have a phone call to make, with video, that a white nationalist group is meeting at the church at 6 on tuesday. To the FBI tip line, and to local news which raises the local consciousness as a problem.

              • @[email protected]
                41 year ago

                Nobody is doing all that work though, dude. There’s no catalogue posted publicly itemizing their crimes for all to see. Law enforcement tracks these people well enough already. They had people in leadership positions of the proud boys informing the FBI, for fucks sake, and still did nothing to stop their participation in Jan 6th. At least half the people in law enforcement probably agree with this shit.

                Again I want to stress that a single Nazi is not a problem. You’re overly focused on fighting some kind of hypothetical individual and not a widespread and growing political movement.

                • @AllonzeeLV
                  1 year ago

                  I cant stop all Nazis everywhere, I can only seek to attempt to inflict maximum penalty upon those I do encounter.

                  That is all I can do as an individual. And in that regard, it is within my power to inflict more penalty upon them than “hey shut up.”

                  • @[email protected]
                    41 year ago

                    Nothing you can do as an individual will have any kind of meaningful effect on the movement as a whole. If you care about stopping this, truly, you must start thinking about strategy in collective terms.

                    Canceling and silencing them doesn’t make them stop being Nazis, it just entrenches them, but nothing you do is going to make them all have some kind of enlightened epiphany and stop being racist. The best you can hope for is that if they get lonely enough from being a pariah that they’ll reflect and come around on their own terms. That isn’t going to happen if they’ve built a support network of virulent racists to surround them and tell them they’re right and the libs are evil for denying them their free speech. Separating them from the means to make that support network is imperative if you actually want to turn this tide, instead of getting some self indulgent revenge on a dipshit who doesn’t know anything about any grander strategy for you to even theoretically glean while they shout out whatever persuasive bullshit they were fed that made them Nazis.